here's some sneek peek pics....
My friend, (we both started our careers out at the same time...with the weirdest the youtbe video that i'll be posting from the shoot...where we talk about it..hill-air-ree-us!!) MARC CARTWRIGHT. click here to see his site:
and find him on facebook here:, he took my photos...and man, what a a shoot we had!
We're gettin' crimpy! We're gettin' crimp-ay!
Gettin' my hair crimped (A crimping iron hasn't bedazzled my hair since prolly' 1991!)
Thelma Macias from Barracuda Salon on Melrose, gave me the most awesome hair!
If you have a photo shoot or anything where you need awesome Barracuda and ask for her:
(323) 852-7179
the ever fabulous COSMO, from Melrose (from my shopping videos at his store SPEED on Melrose) styling me...he is so fab in his sequin leggings! He made the corset I'm wearing, and let me borrow all the clothes from his store! Thank you sooooo much Cosmo, mwaaah!!!!
you can have him make you fab him at the store:
(323) 655-8498 and ask for Cosmo (he's so fun!)
fixing my "tiara" amazing is this jewelry...Cosmo's friend (and now mine too!), made the jewelry! Fergie buys her jewelry, and Rihanna (who I love), just shot the cover of a magazine wearing her jewelry...check it out at:
I flowerin' love all her jewelry...I screamed with joy at each piece she showed me!!!
And my sweet friend, Kymberly Newble, gave me a "kandee-bubble-gum-ice-cream-parlor" her if you're in LA, she even will come to your house...and it's not crazy expensive like you'd think.....thanks Kym!!!
call the Warren Tricomi Salon and ask for Kym: 323-651-4545 (you might even see a celebrity or 2)
or find her on FACEBOOK (click here)

my zoolander!
after we finished this shoot at 1am....found the man with the keys to my car in a parking lot in downtown LA, loaded up my car with all our stuff, dropped of Thelma, ate my second meal of the day (from some delivery service...ravioli in pesto sauce and 3/4 of a chocolate mousse dessert), checking emails and emailing everyone about today's shoot...I went to sleep at about 4am....I woke up to slamming doors, someone rehearsing for their live music show in their hotel room, and all night long, I can hear someone in a room next to stinkin' LOUD...all this started at 7:15am!!! I haven't been able to sleep...if I hear one more cleaning cart roll over the tiles outside my room door!!!! ha ha ha ha ha
I have to go shower and wash all my "crimping" hoo hooo!
be bold, be fierce, be fabulous...and don't let anyone rain on your style parade!
If you like it, wear it with confidence....dress with a purpose- to be uniquely you...
walk with a purpose...command those steps as everywhere you walk becomes your runway....
smile and people....and make them smile back...
shine the love of your heart with the needs it!
huge love and even bigger smiles and hugs....the Crimpette
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