need a lift!?!

and sometimes....your heart just needs a lift!
ha ha ha

My Grandma said:

If your hear feels low, your smiles seem a little more slow to show up....and perhaps your mind feel more like sleeping, than being awake...
I pray that you think about the balloons....may your heart be lifted higher than helium lift balloons....
and may each one of your bringing our the brightest rainbow in your soul...

sometimes we feel hopeless....lost, alone...scared, tired, frustrated.....heartbroken....
I know how awful each of these are...
And I want you to rejoice, right now....that:

A. you are alive...ready to start really living

B. you are wonderful..and no matter what anyone says, you have a beautiful future waiting, and don't let anyone have the power to slow you down, or stop your great thinking

C. the love of you life is out there, and they wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you, so if you are being hurt, this isn't someone that truly treasures you heart

D. hope is there in your heart, your amazing greatness is in their too...don't keep it locked up! Set it free for the world to see!

You are precious, you can be powerful...your words can touch someone's heart today! I had someone smile at me today and gently say some kind words of encouragement...and I can't tell you what that meant to me and my heart!

I feel so honored to be able to have each one of you, read my words, and that they inspire you, is the greatest gift to me! Somebody once said, after I wrote a little note to them on the internet, "The whole Johnson family, is the most encouraging group of people"....I am so happy I get to encourage or at least write a little something to take with you in your day....a little "daily kandee" of a different kind! ha ha ha

1.tell someone, especially a stranger, something kind- examples:
"have a great day", "you are so beautiful", "I hope you have the most wonderful day today!". "you have a great smile" get the idea.

2.  write a little list, or just think about it, and write about all the great "treasures" you have locked up in your heart...what are your dreams and desires for this precious life of yours.

This is your are you going to live it!?!

As you lift the spirits of will notice your own heart is going to start floating like those fun colored balloons in the picture!

I love  you all! And I want to thank you for sharing your positive, kind, and lovey words with me! May I be the first to tell you today: "you are precious! you are adored! you are brilliant! you thoughts and ideas are so precious and simpley cherished! Be that amazing you that is just waiting to get a little boost from you to come dazzle the world!

Huge love from your friend Kandee!!!!

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