kandee: is in a relationship

the first boy to ever kiss me
I met a cute brown eyed boy sometime when I was little...his name was Bobby Wilson.
My mom always said how cute he was...
We tried dating/hanging out a few times in the last 10 years...(we've never fought or anything)
but now, he is officially my boyfriend...(well, not right now, we've been together for a while)
he told me I stole his heart back when we were 12...
he makes my heart melt when he smiles at me
I love the sound of his laugh
he sings to me and i love it....
he's so thoughtful...(the last search on his phone was for a florist for me!)...
he has stayed up for hours to help me go through my hundreds of thousands of emails on youtube...
watches video reponses on youtube with me, and has sat with his arm around me in a hotel lobby while I typed a blog until late in the night...
Bobby is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and loving, happy, and easy going people I've ever known...he smiles just as much as me, and laughs as much too!
He has the most gorgeous smile...and face!
When he holds my hand, it feels like fireworks in my heart...
he adores me...
he is so patient and great with the kids...(and mine love him!)
We've known each other, and each other's family since we were small...and his family is wonderful!
He loves his mama...and she is beautiful on the outside and in her heart! She sends us and the kids presents all the time...she is wonderful!
random fact about my bobby:
he races cars
he was a surf instructor (and was on a reality tv show on MTV because of it, too)
he lived in Hawaii, (his sweet mama still lives there too) 
he paints and draws really well...
..too many things to list I could be here all day.....
to sum it all up....I love him...and he leaves me texts like this:
"I thank the Lord for my awesome lady by my side. I love love love you my sweet one. can't wait to see you this evening. smooches to my dreamy one" ....and my heart melts....

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