free your heart!

is your heart in chains?
did you let someone chain it up?
did you chain it up yourself?

hearts were meant to be free and love freely....
but sometime something or someone makes it so we feel we have to chain up our precious hearts!

I want you to know we were designed to love, that's one of the most important things that this world lacks.....
I read things people write, on facebook, myspace, comments, and the list could go on and on...pretty much anywhere and everywhere...just listen to people talk...anywhere....people's status comments are mostly...angry, rude, negative...."my job sucks"...."i hate________", "______is so dumb"......

this could even be your friends or family, someone and work or school...or a loved one....a boyfriend, girlfriend.....

people are so empty of love,  most people just have no love to spread.... complaining, rude, mean, put-down, type comments...

If someone is pouring out negative, discouraging, hurtful words your way....
let it roll off you like "water-repellent" just beads up and rolls off!

No one said you have to listen, believe, or even tolerate they bad things that people say!

Know that you are loved, you are wonderful, God thinks you are the most precious thing in the world! And I do too! The letters that you guys send to me....I read, and tears roll down my face, taking in the love that you guys pour out...I hope, and I feel it is my responsibility, to type my blog, to be here for you like a friend....I love you all! I truly do! And I am so honored to be a part of your life, inspiring you, and being the friend, big sister, and hopefully someone who gets to add some love to your heart!

Someone is going to think the sun rises and sets in your heart....that you are the best thing they've ever seen, talked to, and experienced in their life!

You will have friends that will be there for you even when things are bad, not fun, and sad. (like my precious friend Amy, I can't thank her enough for how much she helped me yesterday! I love you Ames!!!!)

Free your hearts today! We really are the ones that hold the key!!!


Write a love letter (note) to yourself: what you love about yourself....
example: (things I might write, just to give you ideas, not to let you think I am inlove with myself...ha ha ha):
I like that I am sensitive
I like my brown eyes... (even though I used to want green or blue so bad) (God thinks that brown eyes were perfect for me....and he makes things amazing! The colors of sunsets and rainbows!)
I like that I laugh a lot
I like that I dance in my room with music on
you get the write yourself your love note....
*Now spread some love...let's' work on  only saying loving, encouraging, kind things today...
*Post something positive and kind on your facebook/myspace/twitter
*Try hard, all day to say only positive things....(it might be hard if you're not used to it....but soon it's like a game...the KINDNESS game! hee hee hee)

I love you're precious, you have great style, because it's yours.....your voice is perfect, you eyes are beautiful....that's how people see you're precious soul...everything you have to say deserves to be hears....especially by loving listening ears....

huge love......kandee

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