Oh no! I 've ruined everything!

(these unbelievable paintings are done in chalk, and painted on the sidewalks in Pasadena, California)
When I walked by these amazing paintings in Pasadena, outside the International Make-Up Artist Show...I was blown away!
Here are these artists, creating these amazing works...and they are just going to be washed off some hours later!
I couldn't believe how realistic, detailed, and just beautiful they were...the one of The Beatles, was so incredibly realistic, it was like looking at a photograph! I am still amazed when I look at the picture, you wanted to reach out and touch the strands of hair..it was amazing!
And all this time and effort was poured into these drawings...and the artist knew...they were putting all this hard work into something that would just be ruined...by  being washed away!

I was thinking, sometimes we have done things that make us think we've ruined everything....that we've ruined more than just a beautiful painting on the sidewalk....that we've ruined:
our lives
our relationships
our dreams
even our hopes of our dreams...
that we've just plain ol' ruined everythang!

Well, just like the artist that has painted something on a walkway, that will get washed off....they know that they will just paint another, even more amazing picture!
If you feel like you've messed things up so bad, that you've changed your whole "destiny", that you've ruined things beyond repair....that you've royally screwed things up...well here's hope for ya!

You're clean sidewalk is waiting to be drawn on...
each day, we have a new chance, with new hope, a new day to do new things to accomplish our dreams, a new chance to live the life we want, to find that love in our life, to let the love pour out of our hearts.

You have never gone so far off track, that God can't put you back on! Our dreams are still there waiting for us to straighten ourselves out and go after them!


*tell yourself: "no matter how far I think I've messed things up,  I know God will get me back on my "dream track"

*Make yourself, no matter how uncomfortable you feel, tell someone you care about how much they mean to you..examples: "I just want you to know you mean the world to me", "I just wanted you to know how much I love you", "you are a sparkly diamond in my life"....

*do something today, that when you lay in bed tonight, you'll be proud that you did...
examples: give someone a compliment, help someone (help an older person carry bags, hold the door open for a mom struggling with a stroller, offer a friend in need a hug, a listening ear, or help them with whatever they need), be brave and call about enrolling in school for what you want to become, get business cards designed, ask that person out that you've been dying to talk to, wear that outfit that you love, but are afraid of getting made fun of, say that funny thing that you're scared to say because you think people will make fun of you...and lastly....dance to the radio...sing out loud...
live from your heart...!

You've never ruined anything....you've just detoured your path!

huge love...and remember to live from your heart today! kandee

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