Another day at the office....

the view from my window driving to work this morning....


WORK: Hot Tub Time Machine Press Junket for the movie

this is a view of one of the interviews from above....
it was so much fun....I ate 2 Hagen Daaz Coffe Iec Cream bars...and lots of snacks...they always have so much food at these things.....
I am now ridiculously tired...I must sleep, I've been awake a long time...ha ha ha
OH, but in one of our down time breaks.....My friend, and super hair stylist (she even worked on Pirate's of The Carribean doing hair), cut my ahir a little and gave it a"rock star" revamping....I had so much hair on my shirt when I went to set....I Was itching like my shirt was made out of mosquito bites.....It was an awesome day of work...must go sleep to wake up early for day 2!

huge love, kandee

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