oh no, backwards!!!!

in warmer weather...this is where I run......I run really far sometimes.
I used to hate running...then it became like a therapy...I would process all my thoughts...listen to music, and when a day went by that I didn't run, I felt like i was not right.

Sometimes I would run really far, in the wrong direction, because I knew it would make my run longer on the way back.....making me into better shape.

Last night as I left a message for my mom on her cell phone....I said something, that really hit my heart...I didn't even really think all hard about what I was saying. But I told her, sometimes, we have to go backwards in life...and it may seem like, "oh no! now I'm really never going to get where I want to be!"....
but it's like a catapult.....you need to pull the catapult backwards...so it has the power to launch it's object farther ahead!

I know this feeling, when I had to move out of LA, I felt like all my dreams were never going to happen. I was going way, way, way, into the WRONG DIRECTION!!! And then I had more of my babies...and thought: "I just really screwed up my life!"......but God knew the whole time, what he was doing...
When I was put in that position, where I couldn't really work because of all my new little people, and I wasn't in LA where I could get all my work.....that's when I started the youtube videos....and I have received more blessings....my heart has been so touched and inspired...and it has been more rewarding than any make-up job I ever could've gotten with any celebrity or any movie!

If you feel like you are going backwards.....in your life, relationship, career, dreams, school...anything....just get ready, because, your probably about to be launched farther into your future...think CATAPULT!!!!

you gotta go backwards...before you catapult into your future!!!!
huge love and catapulting, kandee

this is how life is sometimes

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