I got......

I can't tell you how exciting it is to have someone come up and tell you how excited they are to meet you!!! It makes me so excited to meet them too!!!!
Last night when I went to have dinner with my girls...I was asked:
Are you Kandee Johnson?
me: yes!!!! (in my high pitched- 4 year old voice...I don't like my voice!ha ha ha)
She then tells me her friend asked her to go and stop me...hee hee hee
(PS, It was so great to meet you Rachel and friends!!! Hope your dinner was yummy too!)
And the day before in Forever 21 I got "recognized", and asked for my picture too!

I felt like a princess or something! So if you ever see me anywhere, please feel free to come up to me and say hi, I will give you a huge hug! I promise!

If in anything...in any moment, stirs inside you to do something.....DO IT! I was talking to my mom today, and we were talking about, how sometimes you need to just do things. Don't think about them too much, don't plan things out so much, it steals the time away from just DOING that thing you want to do!

I know people that plan so much, that's all they do is plan, and they never DO anything! One day, I just filmed my little video on how to clean your brushes (my first video on youtube), I did my first attempt at editing a video, and posted that little guy! If I had planned it out so much, I would've said, "well no, I need a website first", "I don't even have a logo", "who's gonna watch it?", "what if no one looks at the video?"...."I should, I should, I should....."....
NO! I just uploaded it...DOING IS WHERE IT'S AT! Without DOING something, it doesn't matter what you plan....so to steal Nike's slogan: "JUST DO IT!"

Your it can be anything:
telling someone something
starting a new career
changing a habit
getting in shape
going after your dreams
dressing how you want
changing your hair

Just DO SOMETHING this week that maybe you've been putting off...just one little "I DID IT!!!", this week, and watch what happens! huge love, your kandee.....

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