i have a....

I have a dream......Martin Luther King Jr., is celebrated today for his dream of having a society that all got along, no matter what their skin color...his life was devoted to peacefully creating a change in our country and the rest of the world!

Martin Luther King Jr., had a dream...and he shared it with the world! I know that each one of you has a dream...maybe you have kept it locked up safely in your heart, so that no one will hurt it....maybe you've shared your dream and it was made fun of....maybe you feel like your dream will never become real...and you've given up!

Today I encourage you...no matter what is going on in your life....listen to this other amazing saying from Mr. King.....
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King Jr
..if life and it's troubles have gotten you down, people have made fun of you, you feel discouraged and sad...even heartbroken!!!

I want to boost up your heart...and say....."We are are strong! Are our dreams are special and we have them for a reason! God put those dreams in your heart for a very special reason!!! It's just up to us to be willing to go through all the difficulties we may face, to make them real!"

No matter what size you are, color you are, the way you dress, the make up you wear, the lifestyle you choice to have, the people you choose to love, the amount of money you have, or don't have...what people have told you...none of that matters!!!

It matters what's in your heart...if no one else is telling you, you can do it! I AM!!! You CAN do it....I'll take the KAN- straight out of Kandee and give it to you! I believe in each one of you...if you don't give up, and don't settle for anyone's "No's"...or "you can't do that", or "you?!? how are you gonna do that?!?"....Don't listen to any of it!

Each one of us is special, and was created with our own unique dreams inside...that is your dream garden...and you are the only one who can water it and make it grow! I want to shine some sunshine on your dream today...now you go water it and make it grow!!!

this was typed with so much love.....if you know anyone who could use this today, please feel free to pass it on.....may we start spreading more love and sunshine this year....huge love, kandee

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