Falling in Love.....

i know....sometimes, if you are not with someone to whom you can plan giving lovey things to...the thought of walking inside every store right now....filled with hearts bigger than you head, more red and pink than an entire Victoria's Secret store....and more cupid's than you see for the rest of the year...makes you want to say "BAAAAA Heart-bug!"......and run right past all that heart crap....

BUT.....if you are in "like" or love with someone....then your mind dances wildly with all the sweet things you can do....make "love" coupons......bake something yummy....the little lovey things you'll write in the cards you buy....notes to be left in pockets or on bathroom mirrors...

and somewhere in between these two....is....
LOVE give yourself a Valentine's....love on yourself.....the best way to take care of our love garden...is to water your own garden....tell yourself how beautiful you are today....get yourself a little treat...maybe a new magazine....or some small little inexpensive goodie...a yummy scented lotion or perfume...a new song off of itunes to dance to...a little craft project for your creative heart....

If you fall in love with yourself (and I mean this is the most non-stuck-up kind of way)...your confidence will soar....and you will know the special and amazing person that you are....and you will be 20,000 times more attractive to everyone around you!

I have a friend who is not happy with her weight....but she doesn't let it effect her....she acts like she is the most attractive thing in the room! ANd you know what!?! Her confidence rubs off on everyone.....and guys just flock to her! I love it!

Today's mission:
tell yourself....I am loved, I am beautiful...everyone likes when I'm around, I'm fun...I'm interesting, and Kandee thinks I'm amazing!!!!!!

buy yourself a little something fun (even if it costs a $1)

You are great....and you deserve to know how amazing you are! I love ya lots....hugs through the computer...kandee

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