I'm gonna fall!

where is this place: this is where I run
why: because it's just a dirt trail...with nothing around but the sound of your feet hitting the dirt, your breathing, and usually some small people asking for more juice or snacks....ha ha ha

One day I had already run my 5.5 miles...but there is this one trail that goes up the mountain, pretty steeply...but the view from up there is breath-stealing....
I was already tired and felt worn out...but I just wanted to push myself...I knew that even though it would hurt my already tire muscles...but as I could feel each muscle pulling me up the steep, soft, sandy trail...digging my toes in and leaning forward to keep balance...
a though popped into my head...
Even though it hurts...and feels hard and you want to give up and go back down.....
I knew every muscles that tearing apart...would grow from that...stronger than before!
That each even in my life, that has torn my heart, and felt impossible.....
the heart, being the strongest muscle....would grow back stronger than before!

Each thing in your life that feels discouraging, each person that has broken your spirit, each moment when you've felt more alone than you think you can stand....KNOW that in all those moments...when you stood through them....you grew stronger!

Think of each difficult situation..being like doing one more rep of a workout...that you know hurts, but you know when you are done...you are going to have the most chiseled muscle in the world.....
not just sculpted legs..or chiseled arms....but the most important muscle of them all....you constantly beating heart!

In the bible it says, "Guard your heart, for it is the well-spring of life"....and that is so true....
If we strengthen our hearts...no one or nothing can take us down....

We are all "get-back-uppers"....none of this we're getting knocked down....no way......if we do fall......we're not focusing on the falling...we're focusing on the "get-back-upping"!

And the best part is...when you have someone that helps pull you up...and that's what all of you have done for me....I love you all so much...and I cherish all your precious words and have stored them away in my heart!
huge love, your kandee

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