I've never felt like this...

I just want to say thank you to all of you who donated money to help me get an attorney...you have no idea that each penny is like the biggest, sparkly blessing to me...and feels like a million dollars! I am so blessed to have amazing souls like each one of you, that see the good in life and people, and have the most amazing hearts! I heart each of you!

I had a hard time even thinking last night..., before I went to bed, I read all your amazing, love-filled words you left me in my comments on here and on facebook. You have no idea what kind of heart healing power our words have.

I wanted to cry and scream last night....as one of my friends said they went somewhere, and people were talking about me. People that don't even know anything about me...they had all probably just gone to my blog and youtube to "research" me that day. The article that they published, which is just filled with lies and false accusations, and all the evil comments people left, that don't have any clue what is really going on. Somebody said, "yeah she lives in a nice house that the taxpayers pay for"....I can't even believe someone would make up such a lie. I was going to go to the store last night, and I didn't even end up going because I didn't want to see any of these people, that have now seen my picture that the printed! So awful...

I work so hard to take care of me and my kids...I'll be up all night editing videos, sending emails, working all day long....trying to work while I make snacks, play with my little people, clean the house! I am so angry that these people that have no clue about me are saying such ridiculous things...they are so inaccurate...and to think that this newspaper would print this, without it being fact is awful!!!

I got a Jury Duty Letter in the mail yesterday, and as I read it, sitting in my car, a pink piece of paper fell out...it said, "keep ya head up girl. You are more loved than you can imagine. You are blessed".....the more loved than you can imagine is what I always say..."you're more beautiful than you now, more talented than you think, and more loved than you can imagine!"...instantly tears began pouring down my face...and even as I type this, they are overfilling my eyes...
Whoever sent me that note in the Jury letter....thank you so much! It was like a tiny sign of love from out of no where...

If you missed the story, you can go back to the post about Why I was in court.....
thank you everyone for your awesome heart support...i love you all, and tears can't help but spill out of my eyes when I feel all your love.

thank you so much for everything...your words make my heart feel so much better...a teary eyed, kandee

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