Things I take off every night!

These are the things that get removed from being strapped, buckled, clasped or hooked onto me everynight! ha ha ha

Clockwise starting with my WATCH:
MY WATCH~ was handmade for me by one of my dear friends...sadly, he no longer makes these amazing watches..but if I can convince him to...I will be the first to give you his information!
(secret stash....I have a few of his watch creations left....and maybe, I might put a couple up for sale on ebay...not sure when or anything though!)
Behind my watch is my awesome Hello Kitty Phone cover that one of my friends, Karawn, made me!

TURQUOISE ACRYLIC BOW RING~ I got this in London at a little vintage store in Camden was super cheap, and I've tried to find where I could find them online..and I haven't found anything yet! I love this ring! I did get a cheap black one at Forever 21, it was much smaller though.

YELLOW FLOWER RING~My lil' sister got me this...I love it...she got it at Nordstrom's in the Brass Plumb was a while ago though.

My BLACK LEATHER CUFF~ I made this, all by myself! I used to make jewelry...necklaces, bracelets and things....I made this sooooooo many years ago! I love it though.

SPIKEY EARRING: I can't remember where I got them (maybe forever 21?!?)...I have the other one, but I like wearing mix match earrings.

MY FEATHER EARRING: I got this from my friend Cardi, she hand makes these in LA (you can find her at the Melrose Trading Post on Sundays (kinda on the corner of Fairfax & Melrose)...they are amazing, and no 2 are alike! You can go to her etsy store, but buy quickly because they sell out super fast! I've never seen feather earrings as beautiful as hers!
CLICK HERE to see her store Salvage LA on etsy:
Look at how beautiful this one is!! I can't stop looking at the colors and work to hang by your ear! I love it!
MY SUPREME NECKLACE~ I got it at the Renegade Craft Fair in downtown's from a Cutlass Supreme Car...I love it, and I pretty much wear it everyday of my life! ha ha ha
 The girl who made it doesn't have anymore, BUT one of my friends had some SUPREME necklaces made...she only has a small amount left..
you can order them, I'm not sure, but I think they are around $34-$35 US dollars.  You can email her: or go to her facebook page: CLICK HERE 
and find out more. She's super nice.

And that's what my dresser, or little night table looks like everynight...after I've taken off all my "kan-cessories"...ha ha ha

and I type this with naked fingers, wrists, ears and neck...ha ha ha
your kandee

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