Oh please don't let me feel like a nerd!

Ohhhhhhh ..........TORONTO!!!

This morning I knew I was scheduled to speak at IMATS (International Make-Up Artist Trade Show) in Toronto....
and as any normal person.....I was nervous that no one would show up. I thought, "this will be so embarrassing if there's in only 2 people sitting in the big mainstage area!"....
and then I worried that no one would show up for the "autograph session"...
I had visions of me sitting in the chair waiting for someone to walk up...feeling like a nerd.
I could not believe it when I saw the entire seating area was filled and people were crowding around standing.....there were over 300 people trying to see!
And they told me afterward that I broke the record attendance at any IMATS event like this, EVER! I could not believe it! I felt like the cool kid in school...which I was never! ha ha ha (remember my stories of eating lunch by myself!)
me, waiting to hear a question being asked...(can you see my little microphone piece...fancy!)
I am still amazed at how crowded the room was, and how people stood up that didn't have seats the entire hour!
I was amazed that the hour seemed to go by soooooo fast, it felt like 10 minutes!
then my worries about no one coming to the "autograph" signing....which sounds so weird to me that anyone would want my autograph still....I just feel like it's lil' ol' me....
and then line wrapped around the convention center...and precious people waited over 3 hours in line to meet me! What an honor that anyone would stand for almost 3 hours just to meet me! People kept asking if I needed a break or wanted to stop...and I said , "no, I will keep going til I met everyone in line!"....
girls had me sign their bags, shirts, arms, wallets, IMATS booklets....
(I designed this page while flying to the LONDON Glaminar, while everyone else slept on the plane....I stayed up all night designing this to make the deadline by morning! I would get up to go to the bathroom or stretch....and the whole plane was asleep except for my little light.)
I could not believe this was the line for people to come and meet me.....I met so loved today...words cannot explain how honored I feel to mean so much to so many people....this is a gift greater than any award I could ever receive!
they even had 3 security men to handle the "autograph" signing...ha ha ha ha...for little old me!
me and my big-baby belly...meeting a precious girl...
It was truly an honor to meet everyone there...
and I just want to thank everyone for being so patient and kind....and for all the words and stories you shared with me....the greatest compliments I could ever receive is that I've inspired you or helped you through a hard time....that means so much more to me than just "teaching you how to look like a character" or how to do a great "smokey eye"....
make-up is fun for the outside.....
but I want to make hearts feel beautiful....
thank you to everyone today for letting me be a part of your life....I am ans will always be honored to a part of your lives....and I will cherish all the words from your hearts that you shared with me today!

My heart grew bigger today, with all your love inside it......
love, bigger than my belly....(ha ha ha)...your friend kandee

Now I must sleep to get ready for the Glaminar tomorrow!!!

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