Make-Up Shmake-Up & Bullying

I am so glad that everyone that reads my blog and knows me...knows that I am more than make-up videos and beauty blog posts....

I am not afraid for anyone to see me without make-up...example...above photo...(notice all the freckles...) ha ha ha

Recently I just posted a video to help save a girl's life...and there were over 20,000 comments on the video...with the most disturbing, hate filled, evil comments I've ever seen. Things that serial-killers would say, and maybe they wouldn't even write such disgusting things either. The internet provides an area for sick individuals and "boldly" type their disgusting and twisted thoughts without having to say it to anyone's face.

enter the HATERS & BULLIES
I can tell when one of my videos is being watched by a "larger audience" than my normal kind-hearted "Kandee Fan-base"....
I see comments calling me all kinds of names, saying how stupid and ugly I am.
And I realize how hurtful all the cyber bullying is....bullying anywhere!
I can't care what some "faceless" commenter on youtube thinks....I don't even know how sane or mentally stable they are in the place! (ha ha ha ha)
People who are mean and cruel, love to spill out mean and cruel things. They are filled with hate, sadness, bitterness, and have nothing but all of that mess to spew out on everyone else.
Please don't EVER let some random mean comment on the internet hurt you...
I've been told everything from: "I should just kill myself in my next video" a million different things people have pointed out about how ugly, manly, fake, annoying, name it, people have said...and then some!
Know that HURTING people, HURT people! They don't know how to be nice or say something kind. the language that speak in, is the language or hurt and pain. That's the main way they communicate.
And the sad part is...they are probably most miserable people you'll ever meet.

If you are dealing with a BULLY (this could be someone at work, school, or even your own home):
know that they are sad, hurting, and ultimately pathetic...they are destined for a life of misery, complaining, sadness and depression...
know that you are wonderful.....I don't care what they say:
*talk how you want
*dress how you want
*be who you want to be
The cowards are the ones who make fun of everyone...
the heroes are the ones who celebrate everyone for being different and unique.
(is this the face of someone that looks like they are filled with joy and! Put your dukes down little buddy!)
I think you're fabulous...and I would stand up for you. I would congratulate you and encourage you for being different, for not caring what a "bully" says or types (the most cowardly bully's are the ones who leave comments doesn't take a rocket scientist to know it's easier to type something into your computer than say it to someone's face!)
Know that I get thousands of people leaving me downright evil comments. I don't even read past the first sentence...or the best part is...sometimes they've taken the time to type some mean remark...and I never even see what their hot-tempered, angry selves, have written! ha ha ha

That silly old saying: sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me...
well, not true..sometimes the names hurt us and can stick with us longer than some broken bone that's healed...

Don't even let the names get a chance to bother you...the strongest most amazing people I've ever met....have been teased and made fun of, laughed at and mocked...and you know what....they all went on to do amazing things...the bullies..sadly did not.

Let the words that come out of your mouths today...lift up and encourage everyone you talk to. Start your day out with positive words and compliments....and you just watch what happens in your day!
Sure your day may be filled with frustrations or hard things....but your "attitude" will decide the "altitude" of your happiness....

make today amazing..put on your deflector shield for "haters & bullies" like I do.....and choose to be a "postive-ator"....and a "luvvy" (opposite of a bully)....

so let the people say I'm ugly....I don't care....people can say whatever they want...let them say I'm fake...they have no idea what real is, what real love I have to share with the world...most of those people have never even seen me in real life or even ever talked to me to know my heart...
but I will gladly say....make-up schmake-up...look at me without anything on...I'm not scared! ha ha ha
And most of the time, I bare my heart even more than I have a bare face without make-up!

huge love and hugs of protection from bullies, haters, and anyone who says anything mean to you....
you kandee

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