I've been hacked!

yes...someone hacked my youtube account and posted some fake video about "free samples" of some sort. They stole some video footage and made some fake video with a link asking for people's email and things.
I am so sorry that someone has done this. I  am blocked from youtube right now and they also hacked into my email so I can't get into my emails either.
The only things they didn't hack and I have different passwords for is my facebook, my blog, and a few other things.
I spent the afternoon editing a hair video to post tonight too! (hopefully youtube will fix this soon!)
Thanks to everyone who knew this was not a typical Kandee video...(no intro, no intro music, no usually kandee-ness in the beginning)..and reported it to me...I'm just waiting to hear back from youtube and my email account! (don't worry anyone that emailed the glaminar email is safe!)
I remembered this guy!
i remember my mom just took this picture of me in the airport...and the look who showed up in the background...poor guy!
Look at the guy in the background...I will admit I struck his same pose tonight after finding out about the fake video, my youtube being hacked and being blocked from my email!

The good news is, at times like this..and ofcourse times when things are much worse than being hacked...we can choose to be victims and say "oh no!" look at all this going wrong.....
OR we can say....what can I do to try to help and fix this!
Short of changing all my passwords...calling and texting all my friends who have inside tech knowledge...and getting them to help me....I'm on my way to hopefully fixing all this soon!
OR I could've just sat with my hand over my face and tried not to have a little breakdown.

Everyday, no matter what happens we need to think like someone that refuses to be a victim of life and it's "junk" that gets us down...(breakups, family problems, relationship issues, being hacked, financial matters)...
we need to think OFFENSIVELY, react like an conqueror, a warrior..ready to take back control of your day...and your life! (and your youtube channel! ha ha ha)

I read this little story today and man is it great for me today!
 2 fisherman got caught in the middle of a lake during a big storm....
the one fisherman asked the other, "Should we row? Or should we pray?"...
his wise friend said, "BOTH!!!"

REFUSE to be a defeated by anything life dishes out to you...AND start your day and your thoughts saying "you can try to stop me..but I'm gonna be like a huge warrior that plows through anything that gets in my way!"
Take back the victory in your life!
And like those fishermen...I'm gonna row through the stormy waters of the internet and pray!

I feel sorry for the person that hacked into my youtube...that must feel very sad inside to have to try to do things like that...
no one's gonna get me down...let's refuse to be victimized....and keep going until we're waving a VICTORY flag!

down but not out, crushed but not destroyed... kandee

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