when we fall...

today walking to the security check inside MIAMI airport...I walked over a huge spot where there was water. (no WET FLOOR signs at all!)..I slipped and fell so hard that it tore my pants and the shirt I had on!

I could not move and a huge crowd and paramedics had to show I up...

Tears were running down my face as I laid on the super hard "polished-rock-marble-looking-floor"..in lots of pain but mostly worried about the baby.

It's very dangerous if you leak fluids when you are not ready to have a baby...

I won't bore anyone...and I can't type that long right now...but long story short paramedics were called on another accident...i sat in lots of pain..waiting for the paramedics to be called back...

Thank God for Facebook....because Karen, who saw my post on facebook (which I had typed as a distraction while the paramedics were talking things over with each other) and worked in the airport, came to find me...I have never met her but she was such a blessing today...
she drove me to the emergency room...because the airport said they wouldn't pay for me to take the ambulance there...
They got me on a gurney and took me up to Labor & Delivery to make sure my body wasn't going into labor (I'm only 6 months along)...and check me out...
(the picture above is my feet, my stomach was hooked up to 2 monitor devices to make sure baby was ok...they couldn't find the heartbeat for a minute and I was getting to nervous...but they found her lil precious heartbeat- which was the best sound to my ears!)...

After hours of tests, checks, monitors, blood work...God answered everyone's prayers...baby is fine and so am I! My tailbone and lower back are very sore...and I was told I probably won't fully heal until sometime after the baby is born...a few of my ligaments were pulled and strained around my belly and lower stomach...so it hurts a lot and was told I will feel like a truck hit me tomorrow...great.

The paramedics said I'm one tough lady and they've never seen someone smiling and being in such good spirits when they are hurt...I said, "you should've seen me when a window tried to cop my leg off...I was laughing with the doctor about cupcakes as she sewed my leg back together!"...A good attitude can make any situation bearable....where you mind goes, your body follows. This time my body tried to get us down on the ground, but my mind said, "Nope we're not gonna stay down!"

I can feel baby moving and I just thank God she is ok! I am so very tired...and it's hard to type how I have to lay right now....I just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and all the wonderful words on facebook...

I don't even care that we don't have our luggage (it went on the plane as I was still laying on the ground waiting for the paramedics...my mom took a picture for proof of the accident, but it looks like a crime scene so I don't want to post it...ha ha ha)...Karen took my mom to Target to get me some clothes to wear that aren't torn for tomorrow.

I just want to cry knowing that right now as I see and feel baby moving around inside me...she is ok...I thank God for answering prayers.

Thank you all for praying! And no matter how many times we fall, even when we slip on a watery mess that shouldn't have been there, as long as we get back up we are doin' good.

"It's not falling in the water that makes us drown...it's staying there that makes us drown!"  Many things in life...including water on the floor in an airport..can try to take us down...but it is the people that keep getting back up saying, "this will not keep me down"...are the ones that accomplish great things, overcome adversity, and look trouble in the eye and say, "you're not gonna stop me! I've got a great life to live!"

huge love and thank you so much...from your very uncomfortable and in pain, hope I sleep ok.....Kandee

I love you all so dearly!

Sorry I know this was not really about make-up, style, or anything I normally blog about, but if you DO want to hear about my "daily kandee adventures" CLICK HERE: www.kandeeland.com

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