Last Day in London....awwwww

It is I, Kandee standing royally in front of Cordings....a proper British clothing store with wool jacket and cords...this store is actually owned by Eric Clapton! Isn't that cool?
Doesn't my bag look like a Louis Vuitton, ha ha ha ha? I don't even think if I did have the kind of money to afford one, that I could actually spend that kind of money on a purse....I had trouble even spending the extra money to buy an umbrella today, cuz it was raining so much! ha ha ha
Puttin' on the Ritz! What an amazing is right next to Green Park which is on front of Buckingham Palace! ohhhh la la
Isn't this park gorgeous? Can you see Buckingham Palace in the background? And the leaves from these trees are as big as my head!
me and my "leaf-size" head standing in the park...
Harrod's!!! The most AMAZING department store I've ever been! It's like art inside, I've never seen anything like it! come, let's take a peek!
"any girl can look glamorous at Harrods"...I had to take a picture of this! The only things I got at Harrod's were some goodies for my babies...and and umbrella because it was raining like crazy outside and I didn't have an umbrellie! (I don't think Harrod's is in my price range! ha ha ha)
look at this tea cozy: you can have your cake and eat it too at harrods! ha ha ha

look at how ornate the escalator area is: it was like being in a museum!
yes I even took pictures of the bathroom  (or toilet) stalls...they were beautiful!
one of my favorite things is Christmas decorations....I love Christmas!!!! And they had decorated for Christmas already!!!!
I even got my picture with a "Peter Pan" fairy in the Christmas World department!
they even had Hello Kitty Christmas ornaments!
look at all the sparkling white decorations...
this was the glittery and starry window display at Harrod's!

along the walk to Harrod's....
I realized horse poop looks like horse poop both in the US and in London! ha ha ha
me and my red polka dot umbrella going down the into the.....
the underground....
down the escalator to get on the tube (AKA the London subway)...
blurry relfection of me and my mom sitting on the tube....I think the man across from us thought we were taking his picture, but we were really just taking a picture of our reflections beside his head! ha ha
that is the LIBERTY store...which was incredible is covered with flowers in buckets in the entry, like a full on floral shop when you walk in, with glam things like Alexander McQueen scarves...and this really cool pair of black fingerless long sleeve gloves...which I tried on til I almost had a heart attack at the price!
they were working on Christmas window display everywhere! I loved it!

look at the GINORMOUS shoe in the window at Sulfridge's, where we did some window shopping...or pretend shopping...pretending we could afford to buy what we saw! ha ha ha
they had the most amazing giant disco balls hanging between all the floors! I wish I had a ahouse big enough to hang up giant disco balls like that!
the shoe gallery was amazing!!!
these boots were absolutely amazing! Like Johnny-Depp-Pirate' s cool, funky boot....oh how I loved these boots!
I couldn't buy any shoes, but I settled for a picture with a disco-ball, mirror high heel! Wouldn't this be so fun to have in your living room!?!
Look at these enchanted and sweet little patterns....made me want a cozy little cottage with little chandeliers and a cobblestone walk way with a little picket fence and a red front door, maybe even a pink front door!
to match my pink phone!
look at all the fun shaped Christmas trees! 
London is amazing...and as we walked out of the little place where we ate dinner, with the glossy white tiles as you walked out....I thought, "I can't believe I am in London"....years ago as I sat in a tiny small and dark, depressing little house, did I ever imagine that I would be in London.

We had a delightful dinner with our sweet friend Rachel who taught us some British words and sayings:
Pudding means Desserts (and they have no clue what our American Pudding is)
Lorrie = truck
Toilets or the Loo = bathroom
They say "Zed" instead of Z and the end of the alphabet
Shattered = really tired
Gutted = really upset
Wellies = rainboots
Tartan = plaid
Plaits = braids
Father Christmas = Santa Claus
Cheerio = a way of saying goodbye
and some more but my brain is feeling "a bit shattered" right now....ha ha ha
I can't believe it's time to go feels unreal that we've even been here! I love London, I think British people are so kind and well-mannered and fun! I've loved every single second of being here. I am off to bed because we have to get up early to get to the airport.
sweet dreams from London....right near Picadilly Circus to be exact...which it the equivalent of being in Times Square in NYC....bright lights, theater district, lots of tourists...kinda noisy...and lots of traffic! ha ha ha
cheerio from Kandio

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