Come with me to Camden Lock, Stock, and 2 Smoking Barrells!

Who needs a yellow submarine when you can live in a red telephone booth! ha ha ha
Come with me, as I take you along...via our "computer traveling system"'s like having you in my purse with me! Come and let's see what we saw!
I saw this cool mannequin in the window and realized it was the Illamasqua make-up store.....I've heard of Illamasqua because I've seen the European girls on youtube using it..and I had to go inside!  My trip inside and what I leanred about Illamasqua deserve a blog and video all their keep an eye out and I'll show you what I this they had things I've never seen that are A-mazing!
me and the adorable girls that helped me in the Illamasqua store! They were just delights, and showed me all kinds of cool things you can do with their make-up!
then we took the tube (the subway) to Camden Market.....I had gone there before when I came to London years ago, and remembered how cool it was!
it feel like home to the original "punk" scene on this street....look at the "punker" holding the sign! I love it!
I love how you just see punk-pants coming from underneath the sign! It felt very Sid & Nancy there...
Punkyfish was store with all kinds of fashion treats.
Loads of Doc's, and funky "wellies" (rainboots), and other cool shoes were everywhere!
more favorite was the one on the right with the bleached mohawk, when we got close, was about my mom's age...she thought it was great!
me trying a coat on , which I did not buy, but it was fun trying it on!
as I was trying another coat on in the Market (because it's really cold here, and I didn't bring a jacket with me at all)...I hear a voice ask, "are you kandee?".....and this sweet girl, Emma, who's from Brazil, told me she found me searching for Edward Scissorhands make-up! She was so cute and lovely, she asked to take a picture with me, and then I asked her to take a picture with me! hee hee
the official Camden Market sign which I totally cut off! ha ha ha
the same place at night after all the booths had taken all their "treasure" out of there! What a lot of work to do everyday...set up all your stuff, then take it all down!

i liked the cool artwork on the backside of the crepe trailer!

me and my jacket...with the "andy warhol" of Nutella paintings! ha ha ha
right next to where I got my crepe with strawberries and nutella! Oh like a dream for my tastebuds!
And look and my little baby belly peeking out!
 this girl was in front of me in the "cue" (or as I would say as an American, "in line")...with her green tights and turquoise, patnent Doc Martens)....I thought it was awesome and worthy of snapping a picture of to show you!
I loved the giant pair of pants above the shop!
fun street scene and 3 cute British girls, each with their own funky style!
standing in front of Camden Lock....and more of my favorite weeping willow trees!
I think people in London are way more stylish than in New York...everyone from guys to girls just look so well put together (I'm going to do a separate blog just on London street style!)...just look at the two girls in the background of this picture!
a peek from upstairs of the market place that was filled with handmade rings, and candles, jewelry and decorations...and downstairs in a vintage shop is where I found the most AMAZING pair of white leather boots with a little heel, that were just a size too small....oh how I wanted to be like cinderella have them fit perfectly!
look at this little treat for your eyes and soul...if it's one thing anyone knows about me, it's my love for little twinkly lights! This store was a delightful, enchanting little place, that made you want to climb inside and just revel in the light-beauty!
look how this little store just shines like a bit of the North Star! I love it! I want all the windows in my house to look like this when people go by!
Camden Lock getting lit up at dusk!
one of my favorites...look at all these little scooter- "behinds"....people sit on them and eat! I love it!
see all the people "riding their motorcyles to nowhere but a full stomach"! ha ha ha
 me, taming my big lion! ha ha ha ha Right after we had our slice of pizza and right before we headed to get crepe #2! ha ha ha
on our walk back to the hotel.....Look at the full moon peeking up over the top of the buildings!

I just loved this pink wall decoration, on just a construction pretty they made a construction wall look! I love this place!

we saw an old "sweet shoppe" on our walk to dinner......I love how they call candies, "sweeties" here...."would you like a sweetie?"..."oh yes, I'll take 50!" ha ha ha ha

look how precious....these were colored and flavored bon bons! I just want those glass jars with the softest colored candies on my counter top for decoration!
check out these Marilyn Monroe cupcakes!
last but not least.....look at these little lights bulbs of "button candy" wonder....they would change colors in these waves or rainbows....these were just on the ceiling inside a frozen yogurt place called SNOG in the Soho area of London.

This day was again, like a dream, that I'm sure I will think back on and question whether it was real or not!
To see pictures of my big belly right after we got back to the here to see my more "personal"
Cheerio from jolly old London....another day went by wayyyyyyy too fast!
huge love......your kandee

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