The Hardest Glaminar Day ever!

After 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours..waking up for the London Glaminar at 5 am...which was like the time I would normally being going to bed my time...felt virtually impossible.
I couldn't even stand like normal to do my hair or make-up, I had to sit...ha ha ha
BUT....the hardest things usually always give the most amazing results! So take heart if you are going through something hard...keep going, it always gives you something great.

And even though if felt "too hard" to start in the morning....the day was one of the most incredible days ever!
Me sharing my "secrets for success", but most importantly sharing how to be the most confident, happy, positive person that will change people's lives wherever you go!

Look at all the places that girls came from to be at the London Glaminar:
Czech Republic
and a few from London, ha ha ha!
We even had 2 girls from Texas and Arkansas, that were there...they are leaving abroad right now! (So familiar to hear American accents! (which we were told sound "cool"! click here to read:

Here's my day in pictures!
my breaksfast "american pancakes"...but I was serious need of butter, I never use syrup with my pancakes, just loads of butter!
the sign in the lobby that read, "Kandee Johnson's Glaminar"!!!!1

Faaizah, from Dubai, who was one of our amazing helpers and my mama in the morning!
Faaizah, Elinor, Rachel, Hannah (who made the delicious cupcakes), and Nina- our awesome team of helpers!
a little tiny, but big bellied, me, in the morning!
our yummy cupcake table...we managed to get 2 girls make us cupcakes, both named had emailed me and one had emailed my mom, and we thought since the name was Hannah, that it was the same girl! So we had 2 fabulous cupcakers....Hannah of CakeyCupps
our sign-in table

this room reminded me of Cinderella, it was the most delicate light blue, with white and pink accents...
you felt like a princess in this room.

me and my "cupcake" tummy, talking sharing my "secrets for success" the morning class.
the cool lobby at the hotel
the entry doors
afterwards at our meet and greet with all the incredible girls who came!
look at the awesome Hello Kitty ring I got as a present!!!!! I love it!
we were "black & white pattern" twins!

me and the sweetest pair of sisters from Portugal (I love my portugal presents~ thank you girls)

My sweet Croatian doll! Showing me her make-up portfolio- her work was absolutely beautiful, just like her!
The sweetest girls! Came all the way from Vietnam.
My sweet Sonia, who was the first precious one I met in London, in the lobby! She got me the beautiful pendant that she had engraved with "You're my Inspiration, love sonia"....I will treasure it always!
her handsome little brother stole my heart! I was told he has 5 girlfriends already. And he brought me a tin of chocolates! What a doll!
Sonia's sweet family that traveled with her, it was her first time to London too! Her uncle, mom, Sonia, me (and my cupcake), her adorable sister, and the her dashing little brother with impeccable style!
opening up one of the precious gifts that was brought to me! I received so many precious treasures for both me and my little ones! And I have to say...I am in heaven with all the Belgian and Swiss chocolate I received!

This day was beyond words....I wish everyone knew how the Glaminars are so wayyyyyyy beyond make-up. Everyone left saying things like, "This has changed my life!", "I feel like I can go after my dreams now!", "You are so much more amazing in real life, than on Youtube!"...
even the guy who ran the sound, said, "This is incredible, I must go tell everyone I know what I learned today!" (he learned nothing about make-up, but how to change your life and inspire your heart and your dreams and how to make them happen in your life!"

For everyone that was there:
Remember to be the HOT PINK tree!!!

Life is too short to live an ordinary life. If circumstances in life have tried to make you a copy, remember that you are a fabulous original!

Huge love to everyone reading this!
I am so excited to be off and seeing a bit of London!
cheerio.....xoxo kandee

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