When your life is exploding...

this one one of my favy things I saw at the MOMA (museum of modern art) in New York...
I loved the bright white, dishes that were in pristine condition....well, right before they got shattered! The explosion of broken dishes and spoons, forks, and butter knifes..flying outward in an explosive, bursting...and this bright beautiful lights...glowing so beautifully from the very heart of the piece....was stunning!

I thought about this as I read something this morning...
sometimes the most beautiful, peaceful moments....are ones that are found in the middle of "life's explosions"....
It really isn't a sign of peace, when everything is always perfect and calm....
I think real peace, is when our emotions do feel like little bombs are going off, our happiness is exploding right before our eyes, by circumstances...but while everything feels like chaos and craziness.....we are the bright beautiful, glowing light of peace, while all the "dishes" are blasting apart around us.
I have been in some "dish breaking" moments in my life..but the most amazing times, were when I felt peace in my heart, even when it didn't seem like I should....

If it feels like your world is falling apart, that "dishes" and/or emotions are exploding all around you...
this is the time, when a storm of troubles may be "hurricaning" around you, but you can be safely covered in a big umbrella of safety and peace...the big arms of God can come down and wrap you and your heart up, in a safe place for your mind and heart to rest.

Our lives will never be free from every trouble or pain...after all, this isn't called heaven...ha ha ha
But we can rest in the fact that
I've been in some situations where I should have been incredibly upset, crying, very un-peaceful, but in the middle of it, I wasn't....I had peace in my heart, a peace that doesn't make sense to people....sometimes it helps if we stop thinking about how hard our situation is....and focus in the peace that we can have...our hope of getting out of the "trouble-time"....and not worrying one bit about what's going on. There isn't one situation..where freaking out or worrying about something is going to help!

this is one of my favorite verses....(not to get all Bible-y on you...but some of the greatest quotes, even the song "Turn! Turn! Turn! from the Byrds is straight up verses from the Bible!)

Do not let your hearts be troubled, and don't let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]
John 14:27

I hope that whatever you are going through...no that each one of us is dealing with "broken dishes" right now..and if not right now, we probably just got through a "dish exploding experience"...we are all in this together! We can all band together and with our encouraging and loving words!

I am sending big hugs...and hopefully some new "mental sunglasses" that will allow you to see the beautiful glowing light, coming from the center of the "exploding dishes"...remember, don't focus on the "pieces of dishes" flying around...but on the soft and beautiful light of peace shing on your heart!

huge love all my precious hearts.....typed with love and peace for your day...kandee

I love this song...it makes my want to dance my cares away...and feel sunshine on my heart....I want to sit on the beach and hear the ocean....see palm trees dancing in the breeze...and my heart glowing....

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