how to be happy:

1. don't get food poisoning..ha ha ha (just kidding)

2. wear a big pink poofy-woofy tutu skirt (....again...this may not be comfortable for everyone to wear...but it would be fun to see someone go to work in an office like this! hee hee hee)-i got my tutu and Polka Dots & Moonbeams in LA, my shoes are form Vans, and the shirt I cut can make one too, I'll post the shirt cutting vid-tastic, at the bottom of this bloggy...

3. but headin' back to "for real" town...I read something the other day that was so pow-pow-powerful for my little mind and heart...

Has anyone hurt you or offended you?

I can hear the mental "yes-es" from here!
The article talked about the how to be truly free and happy by..and if you are holding any anger or unforgiveness towards someone...
you can't be happy with that locked inside you!

And the funny thing is, when you go around, holding all that hatred in your heart, it starts spilling out in other's like keeping this moldy wrotten, anger in your heart, and eventually it starts spreading it's stink-o stench to the rest of your body.

EXAMPLE: I have several friends that hate their dads...they can't stand them for whatever reasons, abandonment, abuse, neglect, they left, they cheated on their moms...just never being there...
They hate and unforgiveness they keep alive inside them, slowly eats at some potentially "wonderful" part of them!

I have had people in my life, who have gone out of their way to do things to try to ruin my life, hurt me, make up lies and gossip, scare me, threaten me, people that have been abusive to me...some of these people were people that were close to me...some I don't even know...

I could go around with this anger in my heart saying: "No way, look what they did to me!"...
but why should I go around letting them ruin my life. I could be walking around with all this yuck-anger, effecting me..while they are off thinking nothing of it! I would be ruining my happiness because of them...and they don't even care....really who is being more miserable!?!

I have forgiven everyone...even those that have done horrible things to me. And the funny thing is: people will bring up certain things like, "oh mannnnn! I hate that jerk! I can't believe they'd do that to you!!!!!"....

And in my heart I just feel peace, I think, "yeah, that wasn't so nice or good, but I feel sorry for them that that's how they are. And I don't have time in my "happy-world" to let them bother me. They didn't get a free pass to come into my happiness and ruin it!" ha ha ha When you forgive someone, it's like you trade in all that hurt, for joy and happiness again. Say this: I will forgive everyone...and when I do, I am moving out that hurt and anger, and making room for more love and joy! There's no room in our hearts for hate or hurt.

DO IT!!!! When you do, it feels like a big U-Haul trucked filled with crap, has been lifted off your heart!

God will handle watch! No one gets away with being mean, abusive, hurtful, gossipy...God says, "vengeance is mine" other words....
"it's ok sweetheart, you go ahead and just be happy....Papa's gonna deal with these people...don't you worry your pretty little head!"....

Let's redecorate our hearts today with the beauty of forgiveness and room for those old ugly posters of hate, hurt, and heartache! You are too beautiful, too wonderful, and too precious to have any of that in your heart!

huge love and a t-shirt video! ha ha ha
may our hearts spill over with love and joy today!!

DAILY LOVE MISSION (should you choose to except it!)
1. tell someone something great about them (cute shirt, pretty eyes, nice smile, love your hair)
2. open the door for someone
3. tell someone how special they are to you
4. look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are loved more than you know, and imagine me saying it to your precious face!

I love ya!!! typed with thoughts of all of you, kandee

and as promised, t-shirt 101:

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