the face in the mirror....

sometimes the person we see in the mirror...isn't who we wish was staring back at us....
we wish we were different....had different features...

I know my nose has always bothered me...I don't like that it looks like a pig nose to me...but I do like that I can breathe through it just fine...
I don't like the bump on my lip...where my tooth went through my lip when I was little..but I like that my lip is still there...(i won't bore you with the rest of the things that bother me..ha ha ha)

sometimes we wish our personalities were different, or improved in areas...
I used to be incredibly shy...I never felt comfortable enough to speak up....
thank God, that has changed...ha ha ha ha
and again...I won't bother you with all the things that I want to improve...ha ha ha..we could be here a while! ha ha ha

The thing is, we can hold back all the great things that can be in our future, but not believing in ourselves. If we don't believe we are good enough..we will never even step out to do the things we'd like to!

Please don't let yourself, our your lack of confidence...hold you back. If we keep telling ourselves we aren't good enough...we'll never make it! We have to be our first line of encouragement...our own team of cheerleaders, our one-man (unless we have anyone else to cheer us on) team of "you-can-do-it-ness"!

Things I want you to do today:
Tell yourself...
"I am beautiful"
"I was born with incredible talent"
"I am going to do great things in this life I've been given"
"I am going to go after my dreams, because God gave them to me for a reason"
"There is only one person like me in the world, and I am awesome!"
"I love my body, and I'm going to take care of it and feed it healthy food"
"It doesn't matter what people say"
"I am loved"
"My thoughts, style, and personality, are special, unique, and I'm not changing to be like anybody else"
"I will stop telling myself I CAN'T.....and only tell myself, I CAN, and I WILL"
......I will go after my dreams
......I will dress in clothes that make me happy, no matter what anyone else thinks! I will choose to love myself, and do something to make me happy today... I will take some time to think about my dreams, my future, and day-dream about what my "dream" life would I know what I need to go after!

When you visualize something..the style clothes you want to wear, the career you want to have, the home you want to live in...the person you want to be....
it gives you a target or goal...then you just need to build the road to get there!
You build the road by your choices...
decide to buy a book or magazine, or research online about the dream career you want...
Make small steps to build the road to your dreams, by making one small choice...
decide to look into schools, design a business card for yourself, start learning on-line...start just with thinking about it and encouraging yourself!

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter won't mind."

Today be the you that dances in your heart...
the you that says funny things in your head, but doesn't say them because you think someone will think it's dumb.....they won't...those are the things that make people fall in love with you!

Be the you, that dresses how you want...because you like it and it makes you feel confident and like the real you!

Be the you, that says, "yes I am an (actress, artist, singer, dancer, designer, painter, photographer...teacher...) even if you've never made a dollar from it! Just because you make money at something doesn't mean that's what you are what you are by doing....not by dollars!

I believe in you! You can do whatever you put your thoughts to! Be bold, brave, and do things that you are scared of, and soon, they won't scare you at all!

this was typed with love and so much encouragement and thoughts of your heart ans dreams!
huge love and hugs....kandee

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