"You don't even know me!"...

"so why do you judge my life...I always wondered people tried to hurt me...no happiness in their own lives so they act out all their jealousy".....these are some lyrics from the song below....which I love!
...you don't need to live your life any differently because some haters try to bring you down!

all the people right now who are dealing with insecure bullies, pathetic rumor creators, slanderous liars, and people who have nothing going on in their lives that they have ridiculous amounts of time to donate to spreading hate...(you never see these people putting the same kind of energy into something positive, like spending the same amount of time, helping the victims in Haiti, or donating time to hold babies in an orphanage, or reaching out to help starving children...and if they did, these are the kind of people that would boast about it, instead of doing it out of a kind heart...not needing to tell anyone about their "generous" acts.

I'm so tired of people trying to bring other people down...
looking down upon people with their judgemental eyes...
spreading their disgusting hate...
people thinking they know everything...about things they only "think" are true
spitting out cynical...mean words, like they are foaming at the mouth with their filth
creating things they think are true in the minds without knowing the truth...
making people feel horrible
and being ignorant to the fact that you are rendering yourself foolish if the only thing you read is the newspaper...and you think they publish what the truth is. It's been long known that the newspaper can place and edit things to make it sound however they want...if it doesn't sound interesting...than it's not news....so they splice and dice things to sound catchy. You can't take a few grains of sand....and say it's a beach! And that's what the newspapers do, they take a few pieces of information, add some "interest" and "drama", and SHA-ZAM.... a matter that was almost of no importance...now has become front page news!

I'm so sick and tired of people filled with anger and hate...so much that they spill it everywhere...I bet these people had the saddest, most pathetic lives. These are the same people that if someone wears something different, they have to make a comment. Why? Because they are so afraid of being different...they are followers, and that's why they don't like different things. They aren't secure enough to be different, to think differently, to think openly, and they have no clue how to not be judgemental. I feel bad for these people. They will always be miserable, and misery loves company...so they will always have other sad and pathetic people who will commiserate with them...and create little cesspools of their sickness.

We have no time to live in the swamps of misery and disgust, lies and hate...it's time to walk far away from the swamps of these people. Let them rot in their own disgust.

And we shall go on victoriously, living the wonderful lives we know we have, that God gave us. And He says to not listen to the lies that fools tell us. So it's time to tune them out, out our headphones of truth and happiness on, and ignore these fools.

I love this song right now....it's an anthem for anyone who is being judged, talked about, or just plain bothered by others who have no clue.

huge love today...may you walk proudly knowing you are wonderful, loved, and cherished.....I love you and God loves you, more than you know.....you were wonderfully made...and don't let anyone tell you different! xoxo kandee

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