Throwing out trash!
it can be some garbage thoughts..some old, uncool jacket that we once thought was awesome enough, to buy!
I in this case have produced, what seems like hundreds of bags of trash....ha ha ha....things I thought were treasures, things I saved because I was going to make something marvelous out of it....
and sometimes it just takes a little help from someone to encourage you to set yourself free from the garbage...that is weighing is down...
I feel lighter than an empty lipgloss tube.....ha ha ha
But that is how life is....our garbage thoughts, and the garbage thoughts that we've let others put into our little, precious minds....starts cluttering up the place, and soon, we have more garbage that, sweet room for thoughts of our dreams and beauty in our minds!
Time to get out the dumpsters, trash bags, and boxes, and load up all those hopeless thoughts, the harsh words you've heard from others, the trash thoughts of "I can't do-it-ness", "I'm never going to find someone to love", "I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life", "I don't have what it takes", "I don't look how I wish I could look", "Nothing ever works out for me"....
NOPE! NO! NO MAS!!!...all that is trash talk...and it's goin where it belongs....GARBAGE TOWN!!!
Let's decorate our new spacious minds...cleared of all trash-talk....
and fill it with words of hope, excitement for our futures, and pure, I-can-do-it-ness!!!
DAILY LOVE MISSION: (come join us in doing this today!)
*ask someone what their dream is, and tell them, you're excited for them and that you know they can do it!
*tell yourself, I have an awesome future...and I'm going to have so much fun today, that people are going to want to be a part of whatever I'm doing!
*When I love my life, and I make things fun, someone is going to come into my life and want to join the fun!
*tell yourself, I am going to decorate my mind with happy, hopeful thoughts....
Some people are just alive, they aren't living...
let's get out there today and LIVE!!!
smile, dance, laugh, and treat yourself to some small treasure....
today my small treat was a chocolate sprinkled donut for breakfast...(hee hee hee....haven't had one in ages, and it tasted delishy! On Sunday I usually splurge from my healthier way of eating...and this was it, baby!
huge love, and I have some exciting news for New Yorkers....stay tuned or stay blogged...ha hah a
huge love....and LIVE it up today precious!!!!! xo kandee
it is going to be ok....
everything is going to be ok....
things I don't like & things that make me tell myself "everything is ok":
packing up my house
moving......staring at all my belongings...and not wanting, knowing, what to put where.....ha ha ha
but sometimes it's great to move doesn't matter if you're moving to a smaller house, or a smaller job, or something in life that seems new scary, or different...
I like newness, and change...and even if it feels scary...going and doing things that are scary, or new, or different...those things can be the most exciting and brave...and wonderful!
I don't like moving...I've done it a lot, and many times...from different just across cities.
And I'm going to make my new little home, enchanted and lovely, and wonderful, as soon as I unpack all my treasures...hee hee hee
So I will have a whole new "background" to show you in my next videos! And some exciting adventure that I'm going to take you on.......
I've been packing and cleaning all day...and my mom will be over bright and early to help me off to bed I go...sweetest of dreams......huge love.....kandee-the-moving-company
how to be happy:
1. don't get food poisoning..ha ha ha (just kidding)
2. wear a big pink poofy-woofy tutu skirt (....again...this may not be comfortable for everyone to wear...but it would be fun to see someone go to work in an office like this! hee hee hee)-i got my tutu and Polka Dots & Moonbeams in LA, my shoes are form Vans, and the shirt I cut can make one too, I'll post the shirt cutting vid-tastic, at the bottom of this bloggy...
3. but headin' back to "for real" town...I read something the other day that was so pow-pow-powerful for my little mind and heart...
Has anyone hurt you or offended you?
I can hear the mental "yes-es" from here!
The article talked about the how to be truly free and happy by..and if you are holding any anger or unforgiveness towards someone...
you can't be happy with that locked inside you!
And the funny thing is, when you go around, holding all that hatred in your heart, it starts spilling out in other's like keeping this moldy wrotten, anger in your heart, and eventually it starts spreading it's stink-o stench to the rest of your body.
EXAMPLE: I have several friends that hate their dads...they can't stand them for whatever reasons, abandonment, abuse, neglect, they left, they cheated on their moms...just never being there...
They hate and unforgiveness they keep alive inside them, slowly eats at some potentially "wonderful" part of them!
I have had people in my life, who have gone out of their way to do things to try to ruin my life, hurt me, make up lies and gossip, scare me, threaten me, people that have been abusive to me...some of these people were people that were close to me...some I don't even know...
I could go around with this anger in my heart saying: "No way, look what they did to me!"...
but why should I go around letting them ruin my life. I could be walking around with all this yuck-anger, effecting me..while they are off thinking nothing of it! I would be ruining my happiness because of them...and they don't even care....really who is being more miserable!?!
I have forgiven everyone...even those that have done horrible things to me. And the funny thing is: people will bring up certain things like, "oh mannnnn! I hate that jerk! I can't believe they'd do that to you!!!!!"....
And in my heart I just feel peace, I think, "yeah, that wasn't so nice or good, but I feel sorry for them that that's how they are. And I don't have time in my "happy-world" to let them bother me. They didn't get a free pass to come into my happiness and ruin it!" ha ha ha When you forgive someone, it's like you trade in all that hurt, for joy and happiness again. Say this: I will forgive everyone...and when I do, I am moving out that hurt and anger, and making room for more love and joy! There's no room in our hearts for hate or hurt.
DO IT!!!! When you do, it feels like a big U-Haul trucked filled with crap, has been lifted off your heart!
God will handle watch! No one gets away with being mean, abusive, hurtful, gossipy...God says, "vengeance is mine" other words....
"it's ok sweetheart, you go ahead and just be happy....Papa's gonna deal with these people...don't you worry your pretty little head!"....
Let's redecorate our hearts today with the beauty of forgiveness and room for those old ugly posters of hate, hurt, and heartache! You are too beautiful, too wonderful, and too precious to have any of that in your heart!
huge love and a t-shirt video! ha ha ha
may our hearts spill over with love and joy today!!
DAILY LOVE MISSION (should you choose to except it!)
1. tell someone something great about them (cute shirt, pretty eyes, nice smile, love your hair)
2. open the door for someone
3. tell someone how special they are to you
4. look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are loved more than you know, and imagine me saying it to your precious face!
I love ya!!! typed with thoughts of all of you, kandee
and as promised, t-shirt 101:
a love letter....
to jump into life?
to shake things up and make thing happen?
do you know how many people are wasting their time right now?
do you know how many people are whining and complaining this very second?
do you know how many people are getting a kick out of bringing other people down right now, making you feel like whatever you are thinking is dumb?
the world may not cheer you on and tell you, "you can do it! Keep going darlin'!"....
you can do it! I know you can!
I don't care if you are not where you want to be in life yet...
you may live where you the car you want...have the career you want...
Do you realize how precious the gifts you have are...the gifts and talents that you are still discovering...
Do you realize how important you are to someone, and how important you are going to be?!?
You don't need to DO anything to be important, special, or already are, with your one-of-a-kind, heart and mind!
You don't NEED to do anything to feel good about yourself....or do anything to deserve happiness...happiness is waiting for you to release it, right there waiting in your heart!
Stop waiting for a certain event or something, or someone to happen to
love and appreciate who -you- are.
YOU are great - today and always!
Just be great today! Live, lovely today...tomorrow can wait for tomorrow.
Realize how great you are! How amazing, talented, how filled with love you are!
Your best days are just waiting for you! They really are!
Live with excitement, that if you're not where you want to be, thank God, that life keeps moving forward, and sometimes if it looks like we're going backwards-
it's only because God is pulling the catapult that we will launch even faster towards where we are supposed to be!
I love are great and amazing....and today we will live it amazingly!
Smile more, tell people have a great day more, think about your future and your dreams...and imagine me giving you a huge hug and saying...."you can do it! you are awesome!!!!"
big smile and huge love, kandee
why I love balloons.....

when that happens, hope gets lifted....and hopefully your dreams will get lifted as well...
I read this quote today and loved it...
There is no challenge too great for those who have the will and heart to make it happen...
A bunch of times, something that I was going after seemed "too hard", mildly "impossible, or just frustrating because I couldn't see how it would ever happen...
and make you want to give up....but I never did!
When I moved to Hollywood to pursue make-up...things would be very frustrating, I had to work as a waitress, I worked in a Salon for a day (I hated it!), I would work as an extra on tv shows and movies (you make hardly any money and sit around waiting all day, and you usually get stuck talking to some weirdo for like 8 hours!). I would get stuck in traffic coming home from a make-up job, and I would have to pay extra fees to my sons' preschool, and the fees would be more than I made at my job.
Or a babysitter would cancel on me when I had to work my shift at the restaurant, and the list of frustrations would go on and on.....
I never gave up....and soon things started getting better, and it made me stronger and work harder for what I wanted to do! It made me value every effort I had to put into it, and appreciate every opportunity even more!
No matter how awful you feel....
what awful, discouraging things people tell you
how much hope you feel you've lost...
how much money you feel that you don't have....
or how hard or scary you think it might be...
when you power through all of that "yucky" stuff...and you knock down every wall that gets put in front of will know that in your have that fight in you, that won't let anything (not even your own self-doubt) stop you!
Let your heart pick you up when your mind feels frustrated and wants to give in...
And sometimes at the end of the day remind yourself:
and you can rest your tired mind, have some sweet dreams (maybe even about the future that you want)...and wake up with a fresh new day, that is just waiting to be lived by you!
huge love, and may it feel like helium is lifting your heart and your spirits, higher than a runaway balloon, kandee
I'm a ninja!

my I'm a Ninja tank top from STEPPIE...over a Hanes white tank and my $9 black leggings from Forever 21...
Visit Steppie and see her other awesome shirts....I also have this one....

If you wanna own any of Steppie's fun HERE and tell you that you saw her goodies on here, ans she was gonna offer a discount to all Kandee Fans!
(kandee fans: enter code 'kandee15' to get 15% off your enter order! put the code in the 'message to seller' box at checkout, and a refund will be sent to you via paypal shortly after!)
We can be Happy Ninja's together!!!! ha ha ha ha
And we can wake up in the morning fighting the crimes and villainous things like: sadness, meaness, hopelessness!
I read something sooooo great yesterday! It said...
when things are going wrong and you're feeling sad...
it really does help to count all your blessings, think about all the great things you have in life to be thankful for...
we're alive...we have shelter, food, water to just to start...
the more we focus on the good things in our lives...and celebrate the small blessings...celebrate that we are alive, healthy...we can do whatever we put our minds to...
nothing can stop us form go after what we have in our hearts to do!
Today let's put on our Happy Ninja Hearts.....we are going to stop all things negative, discouraging, even if they are coming from our own minds...
Let's think about everything good in our lives, all the things that we have hope for...all of our dreams...
think about the good things and not one of your worries....think about happiness, that the sun is out, that we are healthy and able to go after our dreams...
share some love and encouragement with others.....
think about wonderful things all day...I'll do it too!
or maybe we'll be negative-ninja's...we will fight off all negative things....
and be super happy's!!!
i love you much!!! And all your precious letters and cards, and goodies you send me, are filled with so much love, I just want to pour it out onto you too!!!!
have the happiest day, kandee
old pale face...

things I don't like....
having a face that is more pale than my body...ha ha ha
and since I have a little skin cancer scare last year...(it runs in my family...great! On my mom's Danish side....)...and I used to be a "sun-sleeper" high school I would get a towel and fall asleep in the sun listening to music for about an hour...
Yes I was super tan, but not so great for my poor ol' skin....if only had my little hands on some self tanner back then, it's easy, and some of them make you darker (and NOT orange) than the sun would.
I have tried a lot of them, from druggystore brands to the "you-better-have-a-fat-wallet" kinds...
and even a certain celebrity endorsed one, that was HORRIBLE! Talk about looking orange...I looked like a Oompa Loompa from Willy Wonka!
Everyday I put self-tanner on my face...and when the body needs to look tan, wearing a skirt....or arm or shoulder revealing tank-top...I fake-tan-it-up!
Here's a linky-dink for the SUN Labs self-tanner I use in the video (there's a deal right now, the ULTRA DARK SET, what I have, is normally like $59, but you can get it for $39 right now)
this is the same self-tanner that they use in celebrity tanning salons...
and being darker makes you look skinner.....hee hee hee, I love that! I'll take baths in this stuff then! ha ha ha
check back later....I have some fun videos to post....
today the sun is shining...
our hearts are ready to love...
our face is ready to give off smiles...
and most of all, our hearts are ready to receive love too...
the more you love, the more you feel loved...
huge love from my heart to yours, kandee
friday...weekly wrap up!
i made a leopard print nail video....
and some other fun ideos I still need to edit!

if you wanna make my this:
oh....and I have a special discount-surprise... VANITY GIRL HOLLYWOOD mirrors, because Maxine said she loves Kandee FANS!!!!
Hot off the presses! You heard it hear FIRST my beloved fans. I know some of you were bummed to hear that you didn't win the Vanity Girl Pink Starlet ... (unless your name is Chrissy Metcalf or Callie Wood in which case, CONGRATS! We're Starlet Sisters).
Well, Maxi over at Vanity Girl Hollywood went to her investors (at the request of Kandee FanJennifer Shepyeta ) for a Kandee Fan discount. Afterall, even though Maxi founded the brand, we ALL have people we have to answer to. So here's the deal, she was able to get a 10% discount for my lovely fans.
Here are the deets:
1. You have to order over the phone. Call toll free 800 416 3961 between 6 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. PST.
2. The discount is good ONLY until 4:00 p.m. on March 2, 2010. She was told that the sale could only last a week, but she realized that a lot of Vanity Girls don't get paid until the 1st -- so she got the date extended. But that's it ladies! It's their first sale ... and it's just for us!!
3. They only take credit cards.
4. The discount is good for any of their items. I personally love my Pink Starlet -- but choose what you like.
5. Oh yeah -- hello, the most important part -- you have to tell them "I'm a Kandee Fan and I'd like my discount!"
I know this may be a $$ stretch for some of you. But here's the deal. They manufacture in the US and they are based in Hollywood. They use commercial grade, photography-studio quality stuff. (any other things you want add here about why you like it).
And here's a little math for you:
1. Regular price $269
2. With the Kandee discount: $242.10 (including shipping, and did you see the cute box?) NOTE: Cali girls will have to pay sales tax of course.
3. Now divide that over one year (and you will use it EVERYDAY - its like 66 CENTS A DAY.
Finally, this is a Girl Power company. I'm all about supporting other women.
click here to see all the glam-tastic vanities!!!
I am off to go buy some last minute birthday goodies...
the sun is shining, our hearts are beating, and love is blooming in our hearts...
do something fun this weekend...something to treat your heart to a little "happy break"...
remember, no matter how hard our lives may seem....we are alive! As long as our hearts are beating..we can share love, lift someone's spirits, even if we are feeling down, sometimes the best thing to do is smile at someone, cheer them up....the love and cheer will boomerang back to our hearts too!
On a SPECIAL note about an angel, Cara Lee:

I want to send all my love to Cara Lee's family and friends, she was a beautiful girl inside and out, she was born, june 23 1989 passed away on feb 14 2010, she was only 20, and said I was her idol (I feel so honored to hear that!)...and her life was taken by a drunk driver on Valentine's heart goes out to all those who are missing her right now! I bet God is rejoicing that he has one of his angels back in heaven! I'm sure her smile and all her work with kids, left a lasting impression on a lot of hearts! And her love will live on inside everyone's heart's, that love her.....she will always have a place in my heart...
Reading the email about Cara, made me realize just how much we need to treasure each day, and realize that today, no matter how many things seem to "clutter" our day with "un-fun" or hard things...that we need see the big picture...
we are alive..we can love, we can feel hugs, we can tell people we love them (it's not a bad thing..people are so scared to say they love people..when love is the greatest, most needed things in the world!)...and life is not just about the hard things that comes our way....but it is a gift and a chance to face all the hardships in life with an attitude that says, I'm gonna get through this, I'm not going to let this ruin me, I'm gonna be stronger and wiser when I get through this.
I hope we all live with more thankfulness today..rejoice in today, let your heart smile more...and feel more...and my happiness swirl through your day...may we celebrate today, in Cara's honor!
I love you all...huge love, kandee
a happy escape
and I'm sure I'm not alone in this "oh-I-don't-even-know-where-to-begin-staring-at-things-look"...
and somehow in my little swirly-ness of "oh-goodness-ness"...I have realized how important it is to have your "therapy escapes"....
My therapy escapes this week have been:
making videos...I enjoy making videos for you guys so feels like I am getting to spend time with a friend as I talk to you all through the camera...
I have even done some "computer-window-shopping"...yes surf-shopping the interweb...
places I escaped to: (i dreamed of furniture I'd love to buy, and someday decorating my dream house...
I am trying to go through everything in my house...
so, perhaps I can have an "online garage sale of all my stuff that has to go"...since I won't be able to have a real garage'll be a "garage-ebay sale"..ha ha ha
I think it is important that we have a "happiness escape" everyday....whether it's a few minutes of looking at some fun things on the computer...
walking through our favorite store and just looking at all the lovely things, and taking deep breathes of yummy fragrances...
flipping through your favorite magazine...
and maybe even busting out the big guns...GOING TO SEE A MOVIE...
escaping with a friend or loved one to entertain your tastebuds and your heart with a tasty meal and companionship
...whatever it is that lights your "happiness-candles" it....
if you like to sing, dance to music on the radio, plunk out a melody on your favorite instrument...whatever it is...make sure you make time to do that "happy-starting" thing everyday...
when I was younger, I loved getting ready...I loved picking out my outfit, standing in front of my dresser, with my drawer of make-up, and carefully applying my "face decorations".....I'd sit and imagine my life in the future....I had a fake looking wedding ring, and I would imagine myself being interviewed for something successful I was doing, and talking about my wonderful husband...and I would think that all the guys who had hurt me...would be watching my "interview"...and regret every mean thing they had done..ha ha ha ha (my teenage mind at work)...I would imagine myself as an artsy, vintage-clothe-wearing, girl who had moved to NY to pursue her dreams...I loved to escape into my "dream-futures"....
If you are having a less-than-terrific day....escape into your "happy-making-zone"...and watch your day feel like it got a vacation and a recharge!
I have to go to a bunch of things now, that are less than-desirable...ha ha ha....but, this, this typing has been a little sunny spot of my day...I hope it shines some sunny-ness on each one of you!
huge happiness and love to each one of your hearts....kandee
When your life is exploding...

I loved the bright white, dishes that were in pristine condition....well, right before they got shattered! The explosion of broken dishes and spoons, forks, and butter knifes..flying outward in an explosive, bursting...and this bright beautiful lights...glowing so beautifully from the very heart of the piece....was stunning!
I thought about this as I read something this morning...
sometimes the most beautiful, peaceful moments....are ones that are found in the middle of "life's explosions"....
It really isn't a sign of peace, when everything is always perfect and calm....
I think real peace, is when our emotions do feel like little bombs are going off, our happiness is exploding right before our eyes, by circumstances...but while everything feels like chaos and craziness.....we are the bright beautiful, glowing light of peace, while all the "dishes" are blasting apart around us.
I have been in some "dish breaking" moments in my life..but the most amazing times, were when I felt peace in my heart, even when it didn't seem like I should....
If it feels like your world is falling apart, that "dishes" and/or emotions are exploding all around you...
this is the time, when a storm of troubles may be "hurricaning" around you, but you can be safely covered in a big umbrella of safety and peace...the big arms of God can come down and wrap you and your heart up, in a safe place for your mind and heart to rest.
Our lives will never be free from every trouble or pain...after all, this isn't called heaven...ha ha ha
But we can rest in the fact that

this is one of my favorite verses....(not to get all Bible-y on you...but some of the greatest quotes, even the song "Turn! Turn! Turn! from the Byrds is straight up verses from the Bible!)
Do not let your hearts be troubled, and don't let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]
—John 14:27
I hope that whatever you are going that each one of us is dealing with "broken dishes" right now..and if not right now, we probably just got through a "dish exploding experience"...we are all in this together! We can all band together and with our encouraging and loving words!
I am sending big hugs...and hopefully some new "mental sunglasses" that will allow you to see the beautiful glowing light, coming from the center of the "exploding dishes"...remember, don't focus on the "pieces of dishes" flying around...but on the soft and beautiful light of peace shing on your heart!
huge love all my precious hearts.....typed with love and peace for your day...kandee
I love this makes my want to dance my cares away...and feel sunshine on my heart....I want to sit on the beach and hear the ocean....see palm trees dancing in the breeze...and my heart glowing....
the face in the mirror....
we wish we were different....had different features...
I know my nose has always bothered me...I don't like that it looks like a pig nose to me...but I do like that I can breathe through it just fine...
I don't like the bump on my lip...where my tooth went through my lip when I was little..but I like that my lip is still there...(i won't bore you with the rest of the things that bother me..ha ha ha)
sometimes we wish our personalities were different, or improved in areas...
I used to be incredibly shy...I never felt comfortable enough to speak up....
thank God, that has changed...ha ha ha ha
and again...I won't bother you with all the things that I want to improve...ha ha ha..we could be here a while! ha ha ha
The thing is, we can hold back all the great things that can be in our future, but not believing in ourselves. If we don't believe we are good enough..we will never even step out to do the things we'd like to!
Please don't let yourself, our your lack of confidence...hold you back. If we keep telling ourselves we aren't good enough...we'll never make it! We have to be our first line of encouragement...our own team of cheerleaders, our one-man (unless we have anyone else to cheer us on) team of "you-can-do-it-ness"!
Things I want you to do today:
Tell yourself...
"I am beautiful"
"I was born with incredible talent"
"I am going to do great things in this life I've been given"
"I am going to go after my dreams, because God gave them to me for a reason"
"There is only one person like me in the world, and I am awesome!"
"I love my body, and I'm going to take care of it and feed it healthy food"
"It doesn't matter what people say"
"I am loved"
"My thoughts, style, and personality, are special, unique, and I'm not changing to be like anybody else"
"I will stop telling myself I CAN'T.....and only tell myself, I CAN, and I WILL"
......I will go after my dreams
......I will dress in clothes that make me happy, no matter what anyone else thinks! I will choose to love myself, and do something to make me happy today... I will take some time to think about my dreams, my future, and day-dream about what my "dream" life would I know what I need to go after!
When you visualize something..the style clothes you want to wear, the career you want to have, the home you want to live in...the person you want to be....
it gives you a target or goal...then you just need to build the road to get there!
You build the road by your choices...
decide to buy a book or magazine, or research online about the dream career you want...
Make small steps to build the road to your dreams, by making one small choice...
decide to look into schools, design a business card for yourself, start learning on-line...start just with thinking about it and encouraging yourself!
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter won't mind."
Today be the you that dances in your heart...
the you that says funny things in your head, but doesn't say them because you think someone will think it's dumb.....they won't...those are the things that make people fall in love with you!
Be the you, that dresses how you want...because you like it and it makes you feel confident and like the real you!
Be the you, that says, "yes I am an (actress, artist, singer, dancer, designer, painter, photographer...teacher...) even if you've never made a dollar from it! Just because you make money at something doesn't mean that's what you are what you are by doing....not by dollars!
I believe in you! You can do whatever you put your thoughts to! Be bold, brave, and do things that you are scared of, and soon, they won't scare you at all!
this was typed with love and so much encouragement and thoughts of your heart ans dreams!
huge love and hugs....kandee
Winner! Winner!
The winner of the Melia Bianco purse from BAGHAUS.COM is:
DRUMMMMMM ROLLLLLLLLLL burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Oh yes, and the winner was picked by
and the proud new owner of the same exact purse as me is:
Congratulations Linda!!!! Now we're purse twins!!!!
To everyone else, that didn't win YET!!!! I'm gonna be working on having a lot more give-aways for you guys, because you are the most awesome Kandee Fans!!!! I love you all...I love your comments, your kind words, you precious things you send me in the mail!!! And I love that I get to be a part of your lives!
huge love and I'll be posting something else a little later today!!!! enjoy the sunshine today! xoxo kandee
Hurry Win a Pink Surprise!!!

Hurry, hurry, have to go enter before 9am Pacific Standard Time...and you have to be resident of the US or CANADA (sorry to everyone that lives everywhere else!!! maybe we can get some international shipping worked out soon!)
Go to any of these links and post what your VALENTINE's Day plans were and make-up look you wore!
feel free to become a fan on facebook & enter what you did and what make-up you wore here:
or click here to see ALL the VANITY GIRL HOLLYWOOD products & enter on the website!
Tell Maxine..the awesome girl who owns and runs Vanity Girl Hollywood, that I said hi & I think she rocks!
I can't wait for one of you guys to win this!!! It'll be like a bonus, Valentine's present!!!! And we'll be twins, with matching mirrors!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!! huge love and even huge-er PINK vanity mirrors! hee hee
Hand full of love....

I love loving people...I love giving gifts to people...and I love celebrating...ANYTHING! So every holiday I love to decorate and buy or make things to make people feel special!
I know Valentine's day can feel, not-fun...when you don't feel like you have someone to share all those lovey dovey cards with....but if you don't, just pour that love out on the ones you love...your mom or dad, your kids, or family..a gramma!
Everyone loves or needs to be told that they are loved....
and I remember having some not-so-fun Valentine's day...once being sick, once being lonely and sad that I didn't have anyone to give me any valentine's love...once being on a weird date at Ethiopian restaurant...
And the one thing I can tell you is....if you're not having a "splendid" valentine's..know that you will be adored and will feel loved.
Until then...if you that marvelous person hasn't been introduced to your life....have a Valentine's Day to celebrate you!
Things to do to make YOUR Valentine's day special:
Buy yourself some chocolate
Treat yourself to something fun and indulgent...a yummy dinner with friends, a new cd of your favorite songs, some scented body lotion, a new lipgloss...
Take yourself to do something fun, go window shopping, go to a museum, rent a movie...some of my lovey favs include:
Pride & Prejudice (i used to watch this movie every night....)
You've Got Mail
i can't seem to think of any other good love movies...
Love is wonderful....spread some love more and tell the special people in your life how much you love them....
so here is my Valentine's gift to you...
i love this video....
and here's some valentine's day make-up videos:
this video was one of my very first videos from valentine's day of last year! hee hee....look how blurry my camera was! ha ha ha
and that was the latest valentine's day video....fresh off the presses...
Happy Valentine's Day...and remember...
you're more beautiful than you know,
more talented than you think,
and more loved than you can imagine....
i lovey you....huge love and even bigger hugs....kandee
Think Pink!

this is Pink and in P!nk....Peep the last post to see the look that Pink wore at the 2010 GRammy's......loved it! Clean, frosty, icy but beeee-uuuuu-tifullly cool!
This look is pure lovely with a dash of old time glam! Slap on a helping of rhinestones....and voila-la-la.....

here's the little gems I glued on..thanks to those clever peeps at Urban Decay...they made putting sparkles on you...easier than putting on chapstick!
enjoy this lovely look...from one of my new "yeah, I like them" bold, be brave, and don't care what anyone Pink! It gives a new meaning to THINK PINK!!!!
enjoy the video it was made with love...for your requests!!! have the sparkliest friday before Valentine's day! huge love, kandee
and a side note....I fell asleep on the couch editing this video and typing this blog...had to wait til today! ha ha ha...I was getting worried my computer would fall off my lap when I dosed I sent myself to bed! ha ha ha
glitter in the air
and as she dropped the white cloak to reveal a sheer-ish leotard...grabbed a hold of some trapeze-artist style silk fabric....hung upside down singing...and ending it all by hanging from the silk....woweeee....
I searched the words to Pink's "Glitter in the Air" song....and tears rolled down my face as I rad the heart-tugging words...and listened to her belt out the song to your heart....
let me just show you the lyrics right now....
Have you ever fed a lover with just your haNds? Closed your eyes And trusted, just trusted Have you ever Thrown a fist full of glitter in the air? Have you ever looked fear in the face And said I just don’t care It’s only half past the point of No return The tip of the iceberg The sun before the burn The tHunder before lightning The breathe before the phrase Have you ever felt thIs way? Have you ever hated yourSelf for staring at the phone? You’re whole life waiting on the ring to prove you’re noT alone Have you Ever been touched so gently you had to cry? Have you ever inviteD a stranger to come inside? It’s only half past the point of oblivion The hourglass on the table The walk before the run The breathe before the kiss And the fear before the flames Have you ever felt this way? There you are, sitting in the garden Clutching my coffee, Calling me sugar You called me sugar Have you ever wished for an endless night? Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight Have you ever held your breathe and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight? Tonight
I have a new admiration for Pink....I think she is cool...she doesn't care what people think...she's not your typical "hollywood" girl...she doesn't try to fit into a mold of...and she has a soft side, despite her tough looking "what you see on the outside" can feel her heart and that's what people always can connect with...the heart of someone....
I was so loving her performance.....I wanted to recreate her make-up look...this pretty frosty, silvery, look that I thought was sooooo lovely...

I still have to edit it and upload it to youtube....but I really like how it came out.....
take a peek at her performance...until i can get this baby edited and live!!!
AND keep watching for me to post the picture of my short-blonde "Pink-ish" hair... hee hee
enjoy.......I love this!
going gaga for gaga
And what should my wondering eyes find to adore...
a lovely blonde sale girl who took me to see....
the most lovely pink shade of lipstick you ever did see...
she said it was glam-glam
and I said order me up one..please and thank you ma'am!
and I said
FROM the new Cyndi Lauper and Lady Gaga Viva Glam Collection....may I rave, gush, and yell from the beauty mountain tops......I love this new GAGA lipstick color! And have one placed on hold when these babies come out...I think they said I can pick it up tomorrow!

here this litte gem of a lip color stands....this little baby is gonna put a $14 size hole in your'll be worth every swipe across your "soup-coolers"...

And to know me, is to know my love, and endless search...for the perfect nude-pink. Until I am offered the chance to design my own, perfect lip color...I shall continue the hunt! ha ha ha
When you feel changes something inside you...your confidence comes out and shines to the world. Do something today to make yourself feel pretty...go buy a new lipstick! Wear something pretty, a new fun piece of jewelry, take a few extra minutes to do your hair...and see how these small changes...spark your confidence!
huge love and lipstick.....your kandee
all pinned-up and don't know what to do....
I love this look!!! It's like a modern day, edgy, pin-up look! Clean cat eye, winged liner......clean, pouty mouth.....gorge-ay!!!! (everything's gonna end in "ay" tod-ay! ha ha)
Rihanna doesn't care what people think...we shouldn't let people other people that have tongues that are ready to make fun of anything different, because they are too scared to be "non-boring"....ruin it for us making us scared to get things said to us like:
"nice shoes!"...."where'd you get that shirt"..."what is on your face?".....
OUR RESPONSES: I like it....and that's all that matters!
It doesn't matter what kind of car we drive, how big or small our house is, what we wear, how we talk, what color our hair is, if we are covered in tattoos from head to toe, what we look like....
no one has the right to judge us...
and if they do...they need to get the telephone pole out of their own eye...before the try to pick on a toothpick in our eye...
God gave us the creativity to think they way we do, put outfits together the way we do, and the desire to like something....if you want to wear a pink tutu and cowboy and wear it with confidence...and if anyone says anything to you like: "oh, nice tutu"....say "thanks, nice jeans!"....hee hee hee....or if they say "what are you wearing!?!"...and that sass-tone we all know....
"helloooooooo, a tutu!"...ha ha ha ha....or "same thing as you...just fancier sorts of grape leaves to cover the body"....hee hee

(for some reason...and I even say it in my video....the hot pink lips I did, looked the same color as Rihanna's in real life, but in the video and looks light pink...argh!)

Be free...and don't let anyone stomp on you being the boldest, most confident you....and if y ou don't feel confident...fake it! Pretend you're going to meet up with me, we're going shopping....and we don't care what people say about how we dress.....Let them stare!
(i know kids can be mean in school, so if you're in school.....know that I used to wear weird outfits....and I got told mean things....but I didn't care, I'd show up with my bright red baggy jeans and white doc martens the next day too)
May the Fashion & Beauty Force be with you! ha ha ha ha
enjoy the video...try it and make it yours!! huge love all my beautiful and wonderful...and I cheer on any fun and creative shoices you make today!!!! Let's go and paint the world "non-boring"!!!! love you all!!!! kandee
A Treat from Wonderland

I thought, "what better time to splash on some "Eau De Alice In Wonderland"....than now....I think the real movie (Tim Burton style), comes out March 5th!
So let's go back...back in time...when I was cranking out costume videos like the Queen of hearts yelled "off with their heads!".....
these were some of my favorite looks to do....I hope you enjoy!
SIDENOTE: I played Alice, yes I broke the mold as the brunette-Alice, In Wonderland. I remember I even got to create the outfit...a 3-tiered skirt, each layer was a diff NEON color....with hi-top shoes, a neon green shirt, that I think I be-dazzled with either jewels or puffy paint! (Not nearly as fun as my friend Adam, who decorated his ride-able lawn mower with Puffy Paint...ha ha ha) I thinkI had a matching headband with crazy curly ribbons in matching NEON fashion! Yay early 90's! ha ha ha
The Alice In Wonderland ride at Disneyland is still one of my favy-favs! Just the wiggly ride out onto the flower leaves, on a lavender caterpillar....with giant flowers.....come on! And it's right across from the teacups....another of my favorite rides! (And Hi to Ashley Lujan!!! That's where we got to meet!xoxo)

So here we go....may you have a delightful day....and if it feels overwhelming....upside down, chaotic, sad, maddening....may you think of the Wonderland.....there is wonder all around us....we just need to put on our "wonder-eyes" to see it!!!
Huge love my precious kandee-lights!!! teacupss full of joy, kandee
and here we goooooooooo!
a little bit of old hollywood....

It is so stinkin' cute...and PINK! It's 3 feet wide....glam-big!
It's got 6 light bulbs...that ultra-true white...which is the only way to get the truest color, for skin-tone matching to perfect color choices for anything. Ain't nothin' like putting colors on in a yellow-ish lighted bathroom...and you wonder why your make-up looks funny all day! ha ha
And I love that it's a girl powered company...owned and run by Maxine...., she is the "adorablest"...I was met her at the Melrose Trading Post, I saw that pink mirror...and was drawn like a bug to a light! She loves flower rings, hoop earrings, nameplate jewelry (like my Supreme, necklace)...and I am so excited to see girls going after their dreams and starting awesome companies like Vanity Girl! She really is in West Hollywood, and the vanities are made in Los Angeles! I want to help her and support her company...go girl power!!!
It makes my room look so much more fun and glamorous!
It gives off the most beautiful, even, "divine" makes the biggest difference!
I once worked on this movie where one of the actresses wasn't being very nice! The lighting guy on the crew've never want to be mean to the lighting guys, because light can either make you look flawless and young...or we can make you look old and ugly! (ha ha ha ha)

WANT ONE...or WANT to see the other Vanity Girl Hollywood De-LIGHTS!!!!!
CLICK HERE: and tell Maxi I said HI!!!!!!
Thanks MAxi! I love my vanity!!! And I love that you started this company making the cutest Vanities I've EVER seen! And my make-up has been looking even better, since I can really see everything perfectly!
check out the "awesome" this video....
huge love and perfect lighting.....kandee
"You don't even know me!"... don't need to live your life any differently because some haters try to bring you down!
all the people right now who are dealing with insecure bullies, pathetic rumor creators, slanderous liars, and people who have nothing going on in their lives that they have ridiculous amounts of time to donate to spreading hate...(you never see these people putting the same kind of energy into something positive, like spending the same amount of time, helping the victims in Haiti, or donating time to hold babies in an orphanage, or reaching out to help starving children...and if they did, these are the kind of people that would boast about it, instead of doing it out of a kind heart...not needing to tell anyone about their "generous" acts.
I'm so tired of people trying to bring other people down...
looking down upon people with their judgemental eyes...
spreading their disgusting hate...
people thinking they know everything...about things they only "think" are true
spitting out cynical...mean words, like they are foaming at the mouth with their filth
creating things they think are true in the minds without knowing the truth...
making people feel horrible
and being ignorant to the fact that you are rendering yourself foolish if the only thing you read is the newspaper...and you think they publish what the truth is. It's been long known that the newspaper can place and edit things to make it sound however they want...if it doesn't sound interesting...than it's not they splice and dice things to sound catchy. You can't take a few grains of sand....and say it's a beach! And that's what the newspapers do, they take a few pieces of information, add some "interest" and "drama", and SHA-ZAM.... a matter that was almost of no has become front page news!
I'm so sick and tired of people filled with anger and much that they spill it everywhere...I bet these people had the saddest, most pathetic lives. These are the same people that if someone wears something different, they have to make a comment. Why? Because they are so afraid of being different...they are followers, and that's why they don't like different things. They aren't secure enough to be different, to think differently, to think openly, and they have no clue how to not be judgemental. I feel bad for these people. They will always be miserable, and misery loves they will always have other sad and pathetic people who will commiserate with them...and create little cesspools of their sickness.
We have no time to live in the swamps of misery and disgust, lies and's time to walk far away from the swamps of these people. Let them rot in their own disgust.
And we shall go on victoriously, living the wonderful lives we know we have, that God gave us. And He says to not listen to the lies that fools tell us. So it's time to tune them out, out our headphones of truth and happiness on, and ignore these fools.
I love this song right's an anthem for anyone who is being judged, talked about, or just plain bothered by others who have no clue.
huge love today...may you walk proudly knowing you are wonderful, loved, and cherished.....I love you and God loves you, more than you were wonderfully made...and don't let anyone tell you different! xoxo kandee
Wal-Mart & Darkness

I read something the other day that was beautiful...
it said how, we might not love the darkness of the night, but we do love the twinkly light of the stars.....
and we may not love the harsh, cold of the winter, but we do love seeing the sparkly snow...
and how much more do we enjoy the warmth of spring and summer, after a freezing winter....
For all the hard things we go through in really makes us appreciate things in a whole new way.
No matter what we are going through, what lies people are spreading about us, what mean things people are saying, how a person or a situation is hurting us, know that in these dark moments...God created light....he gives us the moon and the stars......when the sun goes away...
there is always light for us to be comforted by...
If anything, recently I've learned that people who don't know the truth, and don't even know how to find the truth...are the quickest ones to say something mean. People spew out cruel and evil words because they are probably filled with anger, hurt, and their hearts don't know how be free from judgement and unkindness.
It's sad that few people really know what it is like to spread love...that this world is filled with sad individuals that would waste all their precious time spreading slander and cruelty and hatred...and what's worse, is they don't even think anything is wrong with what they are doing....
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres....if only the world could live by this...what a world it could be....maybe today we can practice a little more "real lovin'".......
typed with love, your kandee
A big bio...
Last night...
fever & then chills...
lots of pain...
right now, when I try to stand feels like my head is going to i type this lying down...with my head propped up and my laptop on my stomach!
since none if this is very fun or exciting overwhelmed little head...decided I would just post this Bio video I just watched for the first time...
it's from, they gave me a channel on their show roster...I met the creator of Big, on a treadmill, and we hit it off from the moment we met! (Hi Lauren!)....check out what they filmed...
I'm going to go try to rest some more...and maybe get all my muscles to walk me to the kitchen to make me something to eat...It sure reminds you how thankful we should be when we are well and healthy!
typed with love...from a very horizontal position......your kandee
urgent care...i have excruciating back pain...possible kidney stones...they are checking...have been in a lot of pain...they get to send my pee away to check and see if it's something bigger like a tumor...
I was sad today...and i think God must think I'm pretty tough...because he won't give us more than we can I feel honored He thinks I can handle all this...
Remember, the most beautiful flowers grow out of manure (poop)...ha ha ha ha!
I gotta go, I'm burning up and my back is killing me....
typed very slowly...ha ha ha...huge love and pain free backs.....your kandee
Want my purse!!! You can have it!!!

A few things to know about me:
I love leopard print....I love it's timeless-wildness!
And I love cool may change your shirt everyday...but your right there by your side, day after day.....
The awesome girls at, let me pick out any purse I wanted....and then they said we could offer one as a give away!!!! So we can share the purse love!!!! And we can be twinsies with our matching "Kandee" purse!
You can check out this purse here to:
And as in all of life...there are some rules....
so here are the rules (yes, youtube or someone big and bossy has some guidelines...ha ha ha)
#1 you must be a SUBSCRIBER on youtube to my channel:
#2 you must enter in the comments below the PURSE video (down below), on YOUTUBE...:
#3 you must be 18 years old - if you're not, you can have your parent enter for ya!
#4 you must click here on the link below, or on the link in the sidebar on the video under )more info)....and sign up there for baghaus to ship to the winner....
sign up here:
#5 and then wait to see who will be getting this awesome purse just like mine!!!!
CONTEST ENDS FEBRUARY 13th....right before VALENTINE'S someone will have a new something to love! hee hee hee
and here is the link to get the really cool BLINGITZ things I showed in my purse video...
I love these:
I am so excited to get to give away something!!!! YAY!!!!!! I love giving gifts, so this feel sort of like that! Who doesn't love presents!!!!
huge love everyone.....kandee