Gemstones Definitions
Common Terms Used With Gems
- Abrasion - Damage to a facet edge, culet or keel line.
- Adamantine - Quality of luster - like that of a diamond.
- AGS - American Gem Society, Las Vegas, USA
- Baguette - Rectangular narrow gem cut.
- Tapered - Gemstone cut in a trapezoid shape, one end narrower
- Beard - Featherlike inclusion located on the girdle of a diamons and usually a result of improper bruting.
- Bezel - Angled surface on a gemstone's crown - between girdle and table.
- Bow Tie - Term used to describe a dark area seen through across the table of a diamond.
- Briolette - Pear shaped faceted gemstone
- Brilliance/Luster - Intensity of the light reflecting from a gem, observed through the crown.

- Brilliant Cut - Collective name for diamond cuts where lower facets radiate from the center of the gem towards the girdle - round cut is most common.
- Bruise - Crumbled area on a cut gem's surface, caused by a blow.
- Buff Cut/Cab Top - A cut combining the features of a cabachon top with a faceted pavilion. Popular in men's jewelry. Minimizes facet junction abrasion.
- Bruting - A process of shaping the girdle of a rough diamond.
- Burn Mark - Mar on a gemstone facet surface due to overheating during polishing.
- Cabachon - A gemstone fashioned with a domed or convex smooth and polished surface.
- Cape (Color) - A term used to describe yellow diamonds found in the M to Z range of the color grading scale.
- Carat - Standard unit of weight for gemstones - 1 carat = .2 gm
- Cavity/Pit - An opening or indentation on the surface of a gemstone).
- Certificate - Document provided by accredited laboratory defining a gemstones type, weight, color, clarity, proportions, finish grade, treatments. etc.
- Chaton - A generally spherical stone that is faceted.
- Clarity - Relative freedom from inclusions and imperfections of a gemstone. Usually expressed in a fixed grading scale for diamonds.
- Cleavage / Feather - Break or fracture in the stone, internal or external and usually occuring along the crystal's growth planes).
- Cleavage Plane - Plane parrallel to a crystal face.
- Cloud - Milky area in a gemstone; made up of a multitude of very small inclusions.
- Color Diamonds - Range from white to brown of a diamond and usually defined by standard nomenclature. Generally ranges from D - M.
- Color Change - Ability of a gemstone to change hue/color when viewed under different types (wavelengths) of light. e.g. Alexandrite, color change sapphire.
- Colored Gems - The dominant hue of a gem. Identified by position on color wheel or by wavelength.
- Crown - Portion of gem stone above the girdle.
- Crystall incllusion - A crystal in a gemstone. Common in certain species of colored gems
- Culet - Point or small facet at the convergance of pavilion facets.
- Cushion - Square or rectangular cut with rounded corners. Numerous variations.
- Cut - Proportions, make and finish of a polished gemstone.
- D - Best color grade for diamonds. Very white.
- Dead stone - A gemstone so heavily included that no brilliance can be observed.
- Dispersion - Intensity of lightobserved through the crown of a gemstone.
- Emerald Cut - Rectangular or square step cut with diagonal corners.
- External characteristics - Imperfection on a gemstone's surface.
- Facet - Flat polished surface on a finished stone.
- Faceting - Process of creating facets on a gemstone.
- Fancy color - Naturally colored diamonds with varying degrees of rarity.
- Fancy Shape - Any shape other than a brilliant cut.
- Fashioning - Process of manufacturing, i.e. designing, cleaving, sawing, bruting preforming, cutting and polishing.
- Feather - Break or fracture in a stone, internal or external.
- Finish - Quality of a gemstone's polish.
- Fire/Brilliance/Internal Luster - Intensity and quality of light reflecting from a gemstone and observeed through the crown.
- Fisheye - Usually diamonds where pavilion is too shallow. Result is a circular reflection of the girdle that can be seen through the table.
- Fluorescence - Visible light occasionally emitted from diamonds during exposure to ultraviolet light.
- C's - Carat, Cut, color & Clarity; fourof the factors used in determining the value of a gemstone.
- Gem / Gemstone - Mineral or organic material with sufficient beauty, rarity and durability to be set into jewelry.
- GIA - Gemological Institute of America,Carlsbad,USA
- Girdle - Edge located between a gemstone's pavilion and crown.
- Girdling - Process of shaping the rough stone's girdle.
- Grain - Weight unit equivalent to 0.25 carats.
- Graining - Natural iIrregularities seen internally or externally in the crystal structure of a gemstone. Often mistaken for polishing lines.
- Hardness - A gem material's resistance to wear/ scratching measured on Mohs hardness scale.
- Heart Shape - Modified brilliant cut with heart-shaped girdle, usually 56 facets. Cut is often to remove inclusions in an otherwise cleaner gem.
- Hearts & Arrows - A gem cut to ideal proportions &l symmetry. Shows eight hearts shapes in a pavilion view and eight arrowsin a crown view, but only when observed through special viewers.
- HRD - Hoge Raad voor Diamant (Diamond High Council), Antwerp, Belgium
- IDC - International Diamond Council, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- IGI - International Gemmological Institute, Antwerp, Belgium
- Imperfection - Blemish in a stone which occasionally reaches the exterior.
- Included - One clarity grade which refers to eye-visible inclusions. I1,I2,I3.
- Inclusion - Internal characteristic.
- Industrial diamonds - Non gem quality diamonds.
- Internal characteristics - Imperfection located within the stone.
- Internal reflection - Light reflected off an internal surface of a gemstone.
- Kimberlite - Volcanic diamond-bearing rock (also called blueground).
- Laser Cut - Fashioning a gem's eventual shape using a laser
- Laser Inscription - Laser engraved identifiyng text or numerals, usually on the girdle.
- Laser Sawing - Laser division of a crystal.
- Leveridge Gauge - Tool used to measure dimensions of a mounted or unmounted gemstone.
- Lively stone - A stone with good brilliance and luster.
- Loupe - Small magnifier used to examine gems. Usually 10X.
- Loupe Clean - No inclusions seen under 10X magnification.
- Make - Quality of symmetry and finish of a polished gem.
- Marquise - Symmetrical boat shaped brilliant cut gem with pointed ends.
- Masterstones / color samples - A set of polished gems which have been color graded by an accredited laboratory. Used to color-grade diamonds.
- Mohs - Scale used to determine the hardness of minerals.
- Natural - An original surface on a rough gemstone that is left untouched on the polished stone. Usually found on girdle.
- Nick - Small chip on a gem surface or facet junction usually as result of contact with other stones.
- Oval - Modified brilliant cut with an obround shaped girdle outline.
- Parcel Paper - Folded papers used to hold polished or rough diamonds.
- Pavilion - Part of a gem below the girdle.
- Pavilion facet - Polished surface on the pavilion of a gem.
- Pear Shape/Teardrop - Asymmetrical cut with one pointed and one rounded end.
- Percussion Mark - crumbled area on the surface of a fashioned gem and normally resulting from a blow - usually white.
- Pinpoint inclusion - Very small inclusion of any color indistinguishable as a crystal.
- Pit/Cavity - Small opening on the surface of a polished stone.
- Point - Weight unit, .01 (1/100) carat.
- Pointer - Term used in describing polished stones under 1 carat.
- Polishing lines - Small parallelmarks left on facets during the polishing process.
- Polishing wheel - Flat cast iron wheel upon which gems are polished.
- Princess - Modified brilliant cut with a square or rectangular girdle outline featuring 57 facets.
- Proportions - Relative symmetry of angles and measurements on a polished gem.
- Quality - Term used to descibe the overall color, clarity and cut attributes of a stone.
- Radiant - Rectangular gemstone cut, often 70 facets, combining the shape of an emerald cut and sparkle of a brilliant.
- Reflection - Return of light to the eye after striking an external or internal surface of a facet.
- Rose Cut - Cutting style that produces a flat unfaceted base and a dome-shaped top covered with a variable number of triangular facets and terminates at a point.
- Rough - Gem at found in nature before undergoing any manufacturing process.
- Round Cut - Round brilliant cut.
- Sawing - Process during which a rough gem is cut.
- Scratch - Damage to a polished facet, usually appearing as a faint white irregular line. Often due to contact with other gems.
- SI - Clarity grademeaning slightly included: SI1 and SI2.
- Simulants - Natural or synthetic substances meant to resemble a genuine gemstone.
- Star Facet - Tiangular facet on the crown of a brilliant cut next to the table.
- Symmetry - The accuracy with which a gem is fashioned to a mirror image.
- Synthetic - Non-natural, laboratory produced.
- Table - Large facetat the center of the crown.
- Thermal Conductivity - Ability of a material to conduct heat.
- Trillion - Cut triangular shaped often 44 facets.
- Ultraviolet - (Above Violet) Upper end of the light spectrum and invisible to the human eye. Shows fluorescencein gemstones.
- VS - Gem clarity grade meaning Very Slight; VS1 & VS2.
- VVS - Gem clarity grade meaning VeryVery Slight; VVS1 & VVS2.
- Wavy Girdle - Girdle in a gemstone which has been improperly fashioned and does not run evenly.
- Weight - Gem weight measure - carats, subdivided in grains and points.
- White - A term to describe colorless gems and diamonds D- H colorgrade.
- Yield - Carat weight remainding after polishing - often expressed as a % of rough weight.
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