Gemstones By Months
Birthstones By Month
By William Brister - Ezinearticles
The use of birthstones is very personal and has been used since the first century to ward off evil and bring good luck on one's self. The twelve months of the years represent twelve different gemstones, each having certain unique and exceptional qualities of their own. Since birthstones are symbolic of your personality and your attributes, they are also a fun way to share something about yourself. Listed below are the months of the year and the gemstone or birthstone that you are born under.
January - Garnet
The garnet is the birthstone for people born in January. Garnets are beautiful gemstones known for their unadulterated beauty, variety of colours and their tremendous brilliance. Although the most frequently found garnets are deep, warm red, they are also found in several hues like green, intense yellow, fiery orange and earth tones. The abundant supply and the large spectrum of colours lend it much popularity in the realm of fashion and allow it to keep pace with the changing styles of contemporary jewelry. Garnets are much sought-after because of their classical gemstone colours red and green and rarities such as star garnets and stones whose colour changes depending on whether they are seen in daylight or artificial light. Moreover, it has a good hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale and its high refractive index gives the garnet a great brilliance. Today, garnets mostly come from African countries as well as India, Russia, Central and South America.
February - Amethyst
The right birthstone for people born in February is the amethyst. This beautiful violet gemstone is known for its unique and seductive beauty. It has been attributed with a large number of miraculous powers throughout the centuries by varied cultures. It is said to protect crops against tempests and locusts, bring good fortune in war and in the hunt, drive out evil spirits and inspire the intellect. Moreover, amethyst is supposed to have medicinal powers, a sobering and cleansing effect and is considered a stone of friendship. The amethyst is known to change its colour on being heated. A temperature of 250 degrees transforms the smoky stone to a shining yellow and brownish-red, whilst clear ones become yellow or colourless at 400 degrees. Some amethysts pale almost to colourlessness in daylight. Although found all over the world, amethyst deposits are highest in various states in southern Brazil, Uruguay and Madagascar.
The garnet is the birthstone for people born in January. Garnets are beautiful gemstones known for their unadulterated beauty, variety of colours and their tremendous brilliance. Although the most frequently found garnets are deep, warm red, they are also found in several hues like green, intense yellow, fiery orange and earth tones. The abundant supply and the large spectrum of colours lend it much popularity in the realm of fashion and allow it to keep pace with the changing styles of contemporary jewelry. Garnets are much sought-after because of their classical gemstone colours red and green and rarities such as star garnets and stones whose colour changes depending on whether they are seen in daylight or artificial light. Moreover, it has a good hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale and its high refractive index gives the garnet a great brilliance. Today, garnets mostly come from African countries as well as India, Russia, Central and South America.
February - Amethyst
The right birthstone for people born in February is the amethyst. This beautiful violet gemstone is known for its unique and seductive beauty. It has been attributed with a large number of miraculous powers throughout the centuries by varied cultures. It is said to protect crops against tempests and locusts, bring good fortune in war and in the hunt, drive out evil spirits and inspire the intellect. Moreover, amethyst is supposed to have medicinal powers, a sobering and cleansing effect and is considered a stone of friendship. The amethyst is known to change its colour on being heated. A temperature of 250 degrees transforms the smoky stone to a shining yellow and brownish-red, whilst clear ones become yellow or colourless at 400 degrees. Some amethysts pale almost to colourlessness in daylight. Although found all over the world, amethyst deposits are highest in various states in southern Brazil, Uruguay and Madagascar.
March - Aquamarine
The hues of the gemstone Aquamarine range from pale blues to light blues to yellowish blues with hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. The more intense the color, the more expensive it is. Aquamarine has an imperfect cleavage and a vitreous luster and is a favorite gemstone of modern designers. Aquamarine was traditionally found in Madagascar, Russia, and Sri Lanka and is now prevalent in Brazil, Colorado, and North Carolina. An exotically beautiful gemstone, it arouses feelings of sympathy, trust, harmony and friendship. The blue of the aquamarine is divine and eternal reflecting the sky as well as life giving as denoted by the deep blue seas.
April - Diamond
Diamonds are one of the world's most precious gems and form the birthstone for people born in April. Throughout history the diamond has been revered as having an irresistibly seductive power of its own. It has earned its reputation due to its brilliance, fiery luminescence and the fact that it is the rarest and most expensive stone and hence most desirable. The most important characteristics that control a diamonds appearance and durability are the 4Cs - Color, clarity, cut and carat. Although diamonds are perceived a white or colorless gem, they come in a spectrum of colors. The colored diamonds are called fancies and are quite expensive. A diamond is seen as a true symbol of love and commitment and buying and owning a perfect diamond is thus of crucial importance.
The hues of the gemstone Aquamarine range from pale blues to light blues to yellowish blues with hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. The more intense the color, the more expensive it is. Aquamarine has an imperfect cleavage and a vitreous luster and is a favorite gemstone of modern designers. Aquamarine was traditionally found in Madagascar, Russia, and Sri Lanka and is now prevalent in Brazil, Colorado, and North Carolina. An exotically beautiful gemstone, it arouses feelings of sympathy, trust, harmony and friendship. The blue of the aquamarine is divine and eternal reflecting the sky as well as life giving as denoted by the deep blue seas.
April - Diamond
Diamonds are one of the world's most precious gems and form the birthstone for people born in April. Throughout history the diamond has been revered as having an irresistibly seductive power of its own. It has earned its reputation due to its brilliance, fiery luminescence and the fact that it is the rarest and most expensive stone and hence most desirable. The most important characteristics that control a diamonds appearance and durability are the 4Cs - Color, clarity, cut and carat. Although diamonds are perceived a white or colorless gem, they come in a spectrum of colors. The colored diamonds are called fancies and are quite expensive. A diamond is seen as a true symbol of love and commitment and buying and owning a perfect diamond is thus of crucial importance.
May - Emerald
Emeralds are green members of the beryl family and holds fort as the birthstone for people whose birthday falls in May. This gemstone has been a prized possession of royalty since ancient times and a good quality emerald can be as or even more expensive than a fine diamond of the same carat. The Columbian emeralds are the most beautiful with a rich green colour. The hardness ranges from 7.5 to 8 on the Moths Scale. This May birthstone is considered to be the traditional gift for the 55th wedding anniversary. They are known to enhance clairvoyance and are worn to promote healing, and enhance love and commitment. Emeralds are found in India, South Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and Zimbabwe.
June - Pearls
Pearls are known as organic gems because they are created by living creatures. The existence of the pearl begins with a piece of grit or dirt entering the shell of a mollusk, oysters and clams. The organism in self-defence coats the particle with layers of a substance called nacre, which eventually becomes thick enough to form a pearl. There are basically two types of pearls, natural and cultured. The process of the pearl coming to life is the same in both, only in the latter, the irritant is placed within the mollusk through human intervention. The pearl has been used to make jewelry since ancient times and considered to be a symbol of beauty, love, happiness and wealth. It has been one of the most coveted of gems due to its luminous beauty, inner glow and priceless nature.
Emeralds are green members of the beryl family and holds fort as the birthstone for people whose birthday falls in May. This gemstone has been a prized possession of royalty since ancient times and a good quality emerald can be as or even more expensive than a fine diamond of the same carat. The Columbian emeralds are the most beautiful with a rich green colour. The hardness ranges from 7.5 to 8 on the Moths Scale. This May birthstone is considered to be the traditional gift for the 55th wedding anniversary. They are known to enhance clairvoyance and are worn to promote healing, and enhance love and commitment. Emeralds are found in India, South Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and Zimbabwe.
June - Pearls
Pearls are known as organic gems because they are created by living creatures. The existence of the pearl begins with a piece of grit or dirt entering the shell of a mollusk, oysters and clams. The organism in self-defence coats the particle with layers of a substance called nacre, which eventually becomes thick enough to form a pearl. There are basically two types of pearls, natural and cultured. The process of the pearl coming to life is the same in both, only in the latter, the irritant is placed within the mollusk through human intervention. The pearl has been used to make jewelry since ancient times and considered to be a symbol of beauty, love, happiness and wealth. It has been one of the most coveted of gems due to its luminous beauty, inner glow and priceless nature.
July - Ruby
The color red is often associated with the gemstone ruby, which is the birthstone for people born in July. Rubies belong to the corundum family of minerals and have a hardness of 9 on the Moh's scale. Ruby with its beautiful red color is a universal favourite signifying love, passion, blood and romance. It is believed to have great medicinal powers, protective powers and is said to bring peace and prosperity.
August - Preidot
This bright green gemstone was called the evening emerald in the ancient times because it resembled emeralds in the light of the burning lamps. Peridot is the gemstone variety of the mineral olivine formed during volcanic eruptions. Originally found in the ruins of ancient Greece, it is now prevalent in Red Dea island of St. Johns, Arizona, New Mexico, Burma, Pakistan and China. Ground Peridot taken internally was once used to treat asthma and was believed to be a symbol of power and influence. People born in August believe this coloured gemstone to be their birthstone.

September - Sapphires
Though only the blue color is associated with sapphires, they exist in a rainbow of colours except red. One of the hardest minerals, sapphires are durable gemstones that have been in demand since the ancient times. The hardness of the sapphire is 9 on the Mohs scale and cornflower blue is the most popular sapphire color. Quality sapphires are found in Ceylon, Thailand, Australia, India, Burma, Africa and Brazil.
October - Opal
A precious gemstone, the opal may be light or dark, translucent or transparent. The opals used in making jewelry have a milky-white base with varying flashed of color. Good quality opals exhibit rainbow like colours when viewed from different angles. Black opals are the rarest and most expensive opals with a body colour that ranges from dark grey to black with fiery flashes of colour. Opal hardness generally ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 on the Moths scale. Australia is a leading source of opals but several fire opals are found in Mexico. Other sources include Africa, USA and Brazil.
November - Topaz
The colour in which topaz is most commonly found is yellow, However, it also comes in a spectrum of colours ranging from yellow, brown, honey, flax, green, blue, light blue, red pink and even colourless. The topaz has been known for at least 2000 years, and this gemstone forms the foundation to the twelve gates to the Holy City of New Jerusalem. It symbolizes beauty, splendour and is intended as protection against enemies.
December -Turquoise
Clear blue Persian turquoise is believed to be among the finest turquoise in the world. Turquoise has been a part of Native American tradition for thousands of years. The mines in India, China and South-western US produce huge quantities of this gemstone. The hardness of turquoise used in jewelry varies from 5-6 on the Moths scale. The colour of the turquoise changes ranges from blue to green and even yellow green.
The colour in which topaz is most commonly found is yellow, However, it also comes in a spectrum of colours ranging from yellow, brown, honey, flax, green, blue, light blue, red pink and even colourless. The topaz has been known for at least 2000 years, and this gemstone forms the foundation to the twelve gates to the Holy City of New Jerusalem. It symbolizes beauty, splendour and is intended as protection against enemies.
December -Turquoise
Clear blue Persian turquoise is believed to be among the finest turquoise in the world. Turquoise has been a part of Native American tradition for thousands of years. The mines in India, China and South-western US produce huge quantities of this gemstone. The hardness of turquoise used in jewelry varies from 5-6 on the Moths scale. The colour of the turquoise changes ranges from blue to green and even yellow green.
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