How to Keep your Dreams Alive

i love these lyrics from Cinderella, A DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES:
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true

I know, that each one of us...before we were even a twinkle in our parents eyes, had a dream packed in the little suitcase of our heart, waiting to come to Earth!
Our dream may be to be a photographer or a writer, but dreams don't just stop with careers! We may dream of owning a ranch or living on a beach, of being a mama or finding your soul mate and traveling the world! 
Each one of your dreams is precious, and it's there for a reason!
Each dream that you valuable. Don't let anyone talk you out of your dreams. If your dream is in your heart, you have the desire, and you the natural "talent" (that is, whatever you want to do, is actually something you might be really good at), don't let anyone's discouraging words stop you!
I was told about me being a make-up artist:
that I should get a real job
it's just a pipe dream, nothing is ever going to happen
stop living in a dream
I need a regular 9-5 job
and many more things!
I never gave up! I never stopped! And I have been a freelance (means that I don't work for anyone in particular, I just get hired for photo shoots, tv shows, movies, celebrity appearances, things like that) make-up artist...just doing make-up!

Your dreams are there...they've been with you since you came into the world! You may think:
"no, I don't really know what my dream is"...
It's the same thing you loved as a little kid!
For example:
when I was little I loved:
drawing, photography, pretending I was making movies, fashion, dressing up, dancing, singing, and I dreamed of playing in my moms make-up (I wasn't allowed to touch it...I guess especially since me and my sister got my moms bright red lipstick and my little sister drew with it all underneath our dining room table!) I loved entertaining people and making them smile.
To this day, I still love all the same things! It doesn't change!
What are the things that have interested you since you were small?

Your dreams have always been with you, they are with you like the color of your eyes. All you have to do, is spend some time with yourself, maybe alone, listen to music you love, go to the bookstore and see what kind of books to you love: books on cooking, gardening, race car driving, photography, drawing, fashion, writing, health, how to become a hair stylist! Have a little discovery time, getting to know you! It'll be worth every second!

Whatever your dream is, don't let anyone steal it away from you with negative words. If your dream is in your heart, then God has given you everything you need to make it happen!

And if your dream is to find your true love....God knows that too, and no matter where you are or who your with, or how lonely you feel...God has that person waiting for you. Somewhere in the world, your soul mate is waiting, waiting for you to get out of the relationship you're in, waiting for you to be patient, maybe waiting for themto get out of the relationship "they're" in!

I believe in you, God already believes you can do it (since he's the one that gave you the dream in the first place!), what more do you need!
Now it's time that you believe you can do it too! I'm cheering you on! Let's all be dream-believers!
What would the world be without dreamers?
No one would be flying in airplanes, the thought of computers would be just a silly "dream", we'd probably have no music to listen to, unless we made it ourselves...
our world would be art-less, discovery-less, music-less, invention-less, cure-less, life-less, and sad...
so go on...dream small, dream big, just let the dreams inside you light your heart up! 
DREAM MISSION (if you choose to except this):
1. write a list of the things you love to do
2. go to a bookstore and see what kind of books you love to look at
3. write a list of the things you loved as a kid
4. if you could do anything today, what would you do?
5. do you have a favorite movie or show or person that you'd like your life to be like? (and it can't just be because they have lots of money! ha ha ha)
6. Tell yourself, "I can do this!" (God will give you the strength to do any dream He put inside you!)

here's one of my favorite Disney songs about dreaming: listen and enjoy!
huge love and even bigger dreams....your kandee

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