hearts, smiles and beautiful days....

my name is kandee....I am a make-up artist, I make videos on youtube, and sometimes...I get to meet people that say I've touched their lives...but really they touch my heart beyond words...
(above: a picture of me and the most precious girl named Selina)
I put a post out on my facebook that I wanted to meet some of the people that have emailed with their amazing stories....and the most amazing part, is that in their emails, they said that I touched their lives and inspired them in some way.
I got so many responses, I couldn't believe it! (and I want to thank everyone that wrote me, we only had time to do 3, and I got over 85 messages within minutes of my post. Everyone's story was amazing and I hope I can meet you all!)
When I make videos, it's crazy because I am looking into you hearts, but I never get to hear your stories and hug you with my arms. So when I got to meet Selina, and hear her incredible story...it moved my heart and inspired me so much! We have so many similarities, she was 18 when she had her sweet baby boy, and so was I when I had my Jordan. She is so strong, mature, a loving mama, and she is absolutely beautiful! Her and her fiance are going to have such an amazing future! (watch for my video with her)

then this morning I got to meet Victoria...her story is so much more than any movie storyline...when I saw her beautiful, angelic face, she lookes like a model that has lived a perfect, beautiful life...then we she started telling me....you just can't imagine all the things that she's been through. She has a loving smile and spirit, her eyes twinkle as she talks of her husband and little baby boys. Her story is unreal...and she is my new hero!
Sarah is another model-esque girl, with a beautiful smile, tons of bubbly energy, a giant purse full of adorable-ness. Her story hit me when she first emailed me, and I couldn't believe she lost everything in not one house fire, but 2, and she had been through a series of illness and other events all within a year. We got to walk and hunt around at the Santa Monica Pier and have a great time!

Each of these days, I had busy, crazy days, that felt stressfull, I've had over 4 doctors appointments, with not too fun testing, BUT, the times when I got to meet the amazing girls...it was the best part of my day! The love we got to pour out on each other, sharing what we've been through and just talking, swapping hugs, has been priceless, encouraging, and something I will never forget!

I can't thank these girls enough for sharing their stories, and letting me into their lives!
Keep posted to see our times together and hear their incredible stories...which will DEFINITELY, encourage you and touch your heart!

Huge love, your friend kandee

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