how to be happy...

(this was what it looked like in my doctors office this morning, my leg got poked, measured, twisted, turned, poked some more, butterfly tape removed, and i get to see more doctors tomorrow and then on friday too!)

How To Be Happy
People with unkind, hurt hearts, hurt people. People with happy hearts, make others happy. This does not mean if you are hurting, that you will hurt people, it just means that those that say hurtful things, usually don't have a healthy, happy, or kind heart to start with.
I'm sure some unkind people have spilled their toxic juices on you....AKA their anger, hurt sadness, built up mean emotions. Maybe it's a friend, family member, co-worker, or even a stranger, but the world is filled with people that have "sick and damaged" hearts and minds, and all they know is how to spit out more of what's inside them.
What's inside a can of soda is what comes out when you shake it up....Soda on the inside equals soda on the outside! Same thing with people, whatever is on the inside comes out...if they are miserable and mean, all those same things will come out of their mouths...hurtful words and actions!
Let your hearts be joyful! CHOOSE to be happy! CHOOSE to be kind! Choose to only let words that enourage, words that will encourage someone, lift someone's spirits, come out of your mouth.
Life is filled with so many sad things, from news stories, to events that happen in our own lives, that our words can speak "life" other people's hearts, if we choose. 
Today,  let's let everyone that comes across our path, leave happier for having spoke to us! 
And is someone is hurting you..remember that they are operating from a sick and damaged heart. They are so filled with awful feelings, that their minds think in sad and rude ways, and they think, and accuse others of thinking the same sick way. Don't let the mean people in the world infect you with their toxic virus. They re like an overflowing bathtub, all they have to spill out is more hurtful words.

WE can be the sunshine in someone's world today! We can make someone's day with our words. With our mouths, we have the ability to speak goodness into their day and life into their hearts. Choose what you say wisely, let only good things come out. And let your little ears be careful, to only hear what is good. If it's it's not, move it to the trash can of your mind, and clear it out! You are too precious to let someone fill you up with hurt.

How to be happy day 1:

1. say kind an encouraging things to people all day~ point out something they do great, like, "you make me smile when i see you!", "you did such an awesome job on.....(fill in the blanks), "you look so nice today, I really like your.....(fill in the blanks)

2. decide to be happy and joyful today~ whenever an unhappy thought comes along, tell yourself, "NOPE! we are not gonna think about you!"...and immediately think about something happy and positive.

3. think about good things...happy things, positive things~ if any other thoughts come into your head, get em out...there's only room for happy thoughts!

We are only hurt, by letting those things hurt us. If someone breaks our hearts, crushes our spirit, it's because in our minds we've put them in a place to hurt us. We can also put them in a place where we won't be hurt by them. God can put your broken heart back together again, better than new, with more joy and happiness.

huge love and lots of hugs, your lovin' kandee
and remember if no one else told you today....
I think you're amazing, talented, and simply wonderful, and no one deserves to take your happiness!
you're more sparkling that all the glitter on the earth!
hugs the size of..well, something really big!!!

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