Nylon Tv and me....

okay, so I was so excited I wanted to tell you all about this, but I got to do a photo shoot with Nylon magazine....I'll post more pics later.....but here are some behind the scenes ones!!!
THE ISSUE comes out today....since I can't drive because of my leg...I haven't gone to buy the magazine today! OH BOY, but if i could....I would've been at the store when they opened! ha ha ha
I am so excited!!!!!

here was me getting my hair all curl-i-fied.....I wanted a big crimped-afro...but he didn't have a crimper...so he improvised...I got a michael jackson curl look! ha ha ha
the first few pictures, I looked like my mom in the 80's! ha ha ha

I'll go get the mag and post more about the shoot! Ahhh, the joys of being stuck on my couch, because it hurts so bad to walk!
until then, here's the video they put up on youtube....they put me and dulcecandy together.....I guess they thought we'll put all the candy girls together! ha ha ha

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