made me cry...

sometimes in life we are able to feel that "boomerang love", where you get to feel the love come back to you that you've poured out....
and it is my honor to be able to encourage, love, and inspire you...
I feel so blessed that I am able to be like a little addition of love to your lives, and to be able to encourage hearts and dreams...that means the world to me! I know a lot of people don't have family or friends, even, that encourage them, support them, or even tell them that they love them!
I want you to know, that you have now been adopted into the what I call, our "kandee family"...I want you all to know how much I love you and want you to feel like you can do anything, be anything, and feel more confident, loved, and free to be who you want to be!
It doesn't matter what has happened in your life, what or who, you've lost. Sometimes, if you've lost a love can take that love  you have for them, and go after all your dreams and hopes, with them as your "heavenly encouragement". Take that love for them, and let it help me your confidence, when you feel you can't do it it for them!
God has special blessing waiting for us in's time you step out in faith to get them! It's time, it's your time to shine! No matter where you are, what you are doing, what you're dealing with in life...
your dreams are waiting, your happiness is waiting, the love of your life is out there waiting....
time to say, "You know what!?! I'm going to be happy today, no MATTER WHAT happens! I'm going to live the life I want!"
I'm behind you, your whole "kandee family" is behind you! I promise you, we are all the most encouraging bunch, group, family...and I love each and every one of you that makes up our "precious lil' family".....
this blog post from Michelle, touched my heart so much, it made tears fall from my eyes....thank you Michelle....! READ MICHELLE's POST HERE (click on this text)
And to Hannah, who lost her father, but gained a little baby...and you're 17....I was 18 when I had my Jordan, but he was my happiness, he was my reason to live...many times his little smile is what got me through the day! If your life feels crazy and overwhelming...don't worry ....stop and think about that precious little person...I will do a post about me being a young mom next! (just for you love!)
*no matter what seems to go wrong...find something good about it
(EX: your car won't start...maybe you would've been in an accident, you broke up with someone...well now you are free to find the person that wouldn't dare let you go! I promise your true love is celebrating that you broke up with the one that hurt you, now they can find you!)
*go through a magazine and cut out images of how you want your life and make a "dream poster", pictures of how you want to dress, the kind of house you want, car, pictures of animals or kids you want, the way you want your hair's  your dream wall!
I love each and every one of you, and your precious eyes and hearts that are taking this in!
have them most awesome day today...let's make some dreams start happening!
xoxo kandee

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