Fear: how to not be afraid

I love this...

Fear has at some time in our lives, stopped us from doing something....
when you're little, maybe a dog barked real loud or tried to bite you....you are now scared of dogs
maybe your heart got broken...now you're scared to fall in love
maybe one of your parents abused you...you're scared to trust, love, or scared to feel happiness
you tried to speak your mind once, and it didn't go well, now your afraid to tell people what you think
you tried to talk about your dreams, or pursue them and things didn't go well right away, now you're scared to try, or scared to fail
whatever your FEAR is....go through it, do it anyway!!!

If you are scared to love, scared to go after your dreams, scared you'll fail at something....scared of being hurt.....stop living in the worries....
good quote my friend gave me: "I'd rather have smile lines, than worry warts!"
even if you are scared...go forward...do it....
the fear won't go away....but the dreams, the love of your life, the happiness...will...if you let the fear stop you!

So I say...DO IT, DO IT AFRAID, if you have to...but DO NOT let the FEAR stop you!

If you're in a relationship with someone and you feel like you're afraid they will leave you, abandon you, cheat on you, hurt you.......and you feel it's stopping you from being happy! STOP....stop thinking about what you are afraid of....and love them with your whole heart! (ofcourse, unless they have cheated on you...ha ha ha...) Let WISDOM guide your heart, not your FEAR!

If you are afraid of going after your dreams....go after your dreams, shaking in your boots if you have to, but at least you'll be shaking in your boots going after your dreams!

If you are afraid of rejection....start getting rejected!!! ha ha ha...if I had a dollar for everytime I was told no, or someone didn't like what I was wearing, or didn't like the sound of my voice, or that they thought my dreams were dumb and I'd never achieve any of them....MAN!!! I'd be one rich lady!!!! ha ha ha
The sooner you learn that rejection is nothing more than one, silly person's opinion, and your opinion is the one that should matter the most, the better your life will be!

When I was young, if a boyfriend said he didn't like my shoes or shirt, I'd never wear it again! Now, I'd be like, "well it's a good thing you don't have to wear em! I like my boots!" ha ha ha ha....and you know what, even if they don't like em', they respect you for your confidence and your staying true to yourself!

BE SCARED, BE AFRAID....but don't let it stop you!
I got on a roller coaster, SCARED...heart racing, contemplating yelling at the lady, to let me off, but I rode it anyway, and ended up having fun!

I went up to the man that first offered me a job on a movie set, SCARED, but I asked him anyway...and guess what.....I was on my first movie set a couple weeks later!!!!

I've put outfits on, where I thought, "what if someone makes fun of me!?!", and then I walked out the door saying, "I like it! And if I wear it confidently, no one will bother me! And I got dressed for me, not for them anyway!".....


huge love and confidence, kandee


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