Vintage, pompadors and thigh high boots, oh my!

my amazing mama (shannon) pretty aunt...and me trying on hats at the Vintage show in Santa Monica...California....

My Nana was with us too, but I'm not sure where she was when we took this picture...
I did feel like it was Christmas because my Nana gave us each some money to buy some treasures...(thank you so much Nana...if you are reading this...i love you!)...

we had so much fun...we tried on hats, jewelry...and had so much fun wandering through the decades of fashion!

me with the biggest, blingiest earrings...ever...can you say CLIP-ONS!?!

I asked this guy if I could capture the amazement of his super-tall pompador hair....!!! whoa tall!

this was an awesome headband that I would have like to have bought...except that it was $195......
I'll have to do a tutorial on how to make one on the cheap! ha ha ha

my favorite pirate / napoleon hat....i think she we should all start wearing these hats...

I fell in love with these white leather boots......and yes, they did end up leaving with me....I don't know when, or where, exactly I'm going to wear them....but I loved their "pretty woman"-esque-80's-rocker feel.....

It was so fun....I wish I loved in the 40's...could wear extraordinary hats everyday, and clothes that simply dripped with made me want to go through my whole closet and wear only vintage pieces!
(oh, and I got a killer gold biker jacket with fringe on the back....and I mean, shimmery gold, baby!)

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