Snow White...4th times a charm?!?

so youtube didn't like my video....and everytime I would upload it....more problems....I edited this baby 6 times now....and it usually takes me 4-8 hours to fully edit...export and upload...and then the video has to process on youtube.....I've done this 4 times now...ahhhhhhhhhh!?!?!? Let's just say Snow White is a labor of love! ha ha ha ha
I hope you like it....and I hope youtube does it will stick around! ha ha ha

Here's the hair tutuorial:

Please feel free to watch it 30 times...ha ha ha ha...and leave me nice comment every time, so youtube will realize people like it...ha ha ha ha ha....

Really though...I do hope you like it....i had to take out the "dream is a wish your heart makes" song...there was background music from the movie in that part.....I don't know....

Enjoy this one and the hair one tutorial too!
This video was made with so much love.....i heart you all.....kandee...and remember dreams really are wishes that your heart makes......

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