a dream is a wish your heart makes....

(photo by Ian Ruhter)
don't be scared of your dreams or dreaming...
some people are so scared of failure that they never try...
but the only way to make it happen is to try!
Not one successful person will say they didn't try! ha ha ha

Your dreams are there for a reason...no one else will create or do what you will. It's like if you asked 2 people to paint a picture of the same tree..each one would do it entirely different. That's the beauty of each one of us being made unique, with fingerprints and "talent-prints"...that only belong to each of us. No one...NOT ONE, other person has your "talent-prints"....your
"dream-prints"!!! Te world needs you to flourish and blossom your dreams...remember...
If you don't water your garden...
(discipline yourself and encourage and fill your dream garden with positive thoughts)
and pull the weeds...
(the negative thoughts from you and everyone else!)
and fertilize...
(encourage yourself daily...despite what anyone else tells you! Tell yourself...I am special, no one else has what I've got! The world needs me)

"You are more beautiful than you know...more talented than you think...and more loved than you can imagine!"- Kandee (my words to each one of you!)

You can do it! BE like a speeding train that no one can stop...headed straight for "My Dream" town!

AND one last bit of wisdom my mama told me this morning: "Desire without discipline leads no where!"
so discipline yourself to do something about that precious dream of yours, that keeps knocking at your heart!

God put that dream in the suitcases of your heart...it's time to unpack those dreams and show them to the world!!!

This was blog was typed with love and so much encouragement for you...please feel all that I filled it with for you!!! huge love you wonderful, precious dreamer, you!

you can watch or pass this message or video on to anyone else that has a "dream garden" that could use this little bit of "dream grower"!

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