No power to the Haters!

"is this hater worth giving away my happiness to them?"....
On Youtube, yesterday one of my "due date" videos got featured on the homepage....which means that thousands of people that normally wouldn't ever see my videos, will.
It means I will read some of the most discusting, evil, cruel and horrible things below my video....
Some people wrote things calling me all kinds of awful names...saying horrible things like they hope I die in labor and I can't even say the disgusting and cruel things they said about this precious baby that is still growing in love in my belly.
It went on to my other videos where people were saying disgusting and racist things about my Jordan...who is part African American, Japanese, Native American and English and that's not inlcuding all the nationalities that I donated to him.

Sometimes you need to take a break from something that is just spewing out badness....
as I read all these awful comments....
the ones about me are not nice...but when you insult one of my precious babies, or anyone that I bothers me because I don't EVER want any of my loved ones to read that!

I will not give my joy and happiness away to someone who is writing cruel things from behind the safety of their silly username and computer, or someone that cuts me off in traffic, or like all the grumpy people we come in contact with everyday!
The  DO NOT GET the power to take my joy away!
I will not give it to them.
My HAPPINESS is here to stay.
Instead of praying for people to be nicer to me....
I'm going to pray that no matter how mean people are to me...that I won't allow them the power to take an ounce of my happiness or peace!

No one knows us truly...people can hurl all kinds of assumptions, opinions, and cruel things at us...
but I will not give them the honor of having the power to let it effect me!

Since I am ready to have baby any day know, and wisdom speaks to our hearts that we need to surround ourselves with positivity, love and happiness...
not cruel and evil things (like the comments were...which I finally went on youtube and disabled)...
it was time to recharge and take a break from reading that!

I want to thank all my precious Kandee Family for leaving each one of your kind words and comments...
you have no idea how much I treasure the love in everything you take time to type!

I feel like my heart is this big treasure chest filled with sparkly jewels of love that each one of you have placed there....
thank you so much!!!!

I love you all so dearly...and I thank you so much for letting me into your hearts!
Let's stand strong....and say, "sure you are entitled to you opinion, however wrong, ridiculous, or mean it might be.....but I am entitled to not let anything you say be powerful enough for me to hand you over my happiness!"

huge love...and hugs...your kandee

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