Hope for the NEW YEAR!

no matter how horrible or hurt filled..that 2010 may have been....
we're gonna hurdle over hurts....and soar with hope into 2011~

Together...let's make 2011 awesome...we're gonna go after our dreams and hopes...and we're not gonna let any hurts, discouragement, or bad situations stop us!

"if you keep looking back at your past problems and hurts...you're going to crash into something in your future because you're not looking at the future in front of you!"

10 things to help make your new year bright:
  • 1. Leave the hurts of 2010 where they belong..in 2010!
  • 2. Make this year the year you make some goals- goals are dreams with deadlines!
  • 3. Dare to be different in everything you do!
  • 4. Encourage, compliment or say something kind to everyone you talk to.
  • 5. Live like a leader...not a follower.
  • 6. Stop avoiding confrontation- take control of your life and deal with all things you want to change and the ways that people treat you.
  • 7. Make a change- in anything, relationships, your hair, career, friends.
  • 8. Only have friends that make you a better person...some negative, rude, depressing friends, thay make you feel bad...may need to stay in 2010! (ha ha ha)
  • 9. Dare to live life and make choices even if your not promised the outcome. (people who have changed the world or accomplished great things...did things without knowing if it would work or not!)
  • 10. Expect greatness, seek happiness, and don't let any circumstance, person, or situation steal your joy. You are the owner of your happiness...don't just let any ol' thing or person take it from you!
Here's a special video I made that I hope touches your heart, encourages you, and fills you up with more hope and excitement for 2011!
Let's go show 2011 what we got....skills, talent, dreams, hopes, and heart that is ready to be filled with love and happiness!

We're in this as a team....GO TEAM KANDEE FAMILY! I love you all so much...and am honored to be able to speak love into your hearts!

Please feel free to share this message, pass it on on your twitter, facebook, myspace...let's see what the how the "kandee family" can share this and encourage others this year! (lots of depression creeps in...I've even seen it on my facebook...people not wanting to live anymore...let's help encourage hurting hearts for the new year!)
huge-gantic love, your kandee

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