Strength in Beauty, Beauty In Strength

I always say: "you're more beautiful than you now, more talented than you think, and more loved than you can imagine"....

but I love these words written on this boxing glove too!

Abby sent me this awesome GOLDEN BOXING GLOVE which she wrote on with the words:
"Strength in Beauty, Beauty in Strength". This was a birthday present she sent to me! And I cried as I read the precious words she wrote to me.

I had the honor of coming to know a beautiful girl named Abby. She is one of my new heroes.

Abby is on the LEFT, my head is circled on the right! ha ha ha (this was at the GLAMINAR in Pasadena)

I gave Abby the best seat in the front row of the Glaminar, it had her name on it with a special pink ribbon tied to her chair.

You see, Abby NEEDED to be in the front row to read my lips...she is losing her hearing, and need the help of special hearing devices (which she chose to be sparkly and bedazzle with sparkly decorations!) to hear me.
Not only is she losing her hearing, but she also told me how she received even more bad news, that it is now affecting her eyesight. Precious Abby commented that at least the medication she's on will make her eyelashes look thicker! How incredibly optimistic is that!?!
Not only is this sweet, precious and incredibly strong girl slowly losing her hearing, but to get hit with the fact that your eyesight is now being effected!
ABBY is the new hero of my heart!

She is energetic and joyful, despite all that is going on in her world. She is optimistic and full of twinkle.  When we think we have obstacles...people that are discouraging, a horrible job and lots of bills, babies or children to take care of, we live somewhere we don't like, we have no friends...I re-think, my thinking. Here is Abby, this gentle spirit with obstacles that would send most of us into a deep depression, and instead of thinking her future is ruined...she goes on with a determined heart and mind, with an attitude and spirit we all need to have that says... "I am strength! In my strength I am more than beautiful. I will find a way, make a way, where no path has gone before, no story like mine has been told, I will pioneer new frontiers and do things that no one like me should have done! I will rejoice in my strength. And when I feel weak, I will pray for God to strengthen me and be the footprints in the sand carrying me when I can't go on. I will not let my circumstances decide how I will thoughts are going to direct me to greatness!"

Remember: You're better off with a disabled body and enabled thinking, that an able body and disabled thinking!

Abby you are my hero and I am so honored to know you. You encourage me and inspire me! I love you!

Please pass or post this blog today to anyone that could use this story of strength and encouragement in their life!

written an typed with huge amounts of love and encouragement and STRENGTH!!!
i want the best futures for all of you reading this....huge love and hugs, kandee

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