Are you a Dream Fighter?

I was looking back through all my old blog posts...and found this one that I posted exactly one year ago to the day...
it's funny how in this year, so much has happened it kinda feels like 5 years ago.  I want you to know that when all hope is gone, when you feel like your dreams are over....that's usually when gears are turning for your dreams but you just can't see them.

It's like turning your car're in the car, you can't see the pistons firing and all the stuff turning and getting ready to make the car go...but you know you are going to go somewhere...even if you aren't MOVING YET!!!!

Get the idea here?

You may be in your car thinking...."oh man!!! I'm not even going anywhere. We're not even moving...we're never gonna be able to go anywhere like this. What if we never leave the driveway?!? oh maaaaaan!"

Yes you will!

Just like when you're sitting there, you can't see all the parts of the motor preparing you to move on out....but you know they will!

Sit back in the comfy seat of life, no matter what your car looks like, what your driveway or garage looks like...and know that gears are getting ready...turn the engine of your hope on...and believe that your "car" is gonna go somewhere!

here's the post I wrote one year ago today (actually since it's now 1 am, it would technically be yesterday, but I've been working all day and night! ha ha ha...may it touch your heart and inspire you....
Please share this or pass it on to a friend that could use some "heart & dream" encouragement....
made with love, kandee

hi all my precious people....
my heart has been so touched and encouraged by all your emails and videos....
and it made me realize it's time to share a bit about me, that might encourage all of you...
I want all of you to become Dream fight for your dreams....
and here's a little bit of me trying to share a little bit of me...which is hard to talk about...since a lot of people don't know a lot of this....

I love you all and want you to know I'm your biggest cheerleader to go after your dreams!!!!
huge love.....and here's the video

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