
People will forget what you said, forget what you did.... but they will always remember, how you made them FEEL!

Today, and everyday..try to make someone feel special, loved, beautiful, or even amazing. Each day is too precious to let it slip by just living in our own selfish little world.

More people should smile, hold doors open for people, say thank you and please...and tell people to have a "great day!"...

I watched my friend, Jamesa, shake someone's hand...she shook their hand like normal, then clasped her other hand on top of if to "hug" their hand. The hand "shakee", you could tell, felt closer to her, instantly!

Everyone could use a hug, a pat on the back, a better handshake...even a wave hello!

Let's be on a mission to make people "feel" better, by just a few, free things we can take the time to do today!

I am very excited...!!! After I posted a blog about Stephanie Nielson, of (,
I got an email from a wonderful girl named, Kimberly, that said it was mentioned in a prayer, and that she was moved to want to donate to me, her round trip tickets to go meet Stephanie!!! She is going to try to contact her!!! I am so excited...I had goosebumps and my heart was moved to tears as I read her email! I can't wait to hear what happens!!!!
(by the way...the hands in the photo are Stephanie and her husband's, in their special "burn gloves", which they wear daily.)

If any of you know Stephanie, and could offer some help in any way, I'd love it!!!

may your friday be filled with extra sparkles!!!! xoxo kandee

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