Jesus lives in LA...

somedays feel like a little bit of sugary-wonder was sprinkled on them... I had one of those days.... I got my haircut at Barracuda Salon(something that has only happened in a salon...a handful of times), and for some reason it makes me feel fancy. (and more hair pictures to come...have no fear...i even have footage for a video!!!yay) I got to eat dinner at El Coyote in Hollywood....and we were given the "fabulous", Manager's table...
which really means...."crappy table by the kitchen doors"
low-riders in the display lobby at El Coyote...where they said in Spanish, "her pants look like MC Hammer"....but what they didn't know, is I can understand what they are saying! Then I wanted to go see if the Christmas decorations were up at The Grove (an outdoor shopping experience, with little cobblestone streets, a water show...and lovely frank sinatra-esque music plays)... and to my wondering eyes....I see Jesus on the street corner......

..."parts" of the Christmas decor was up (Jesus was not part of the decor...even though he would be fitting as a more infantile version...with a manger)
(me and Jesus aka Kevin, apparently he's on TMZ all the time! He was so nice and genteel...and he said he loved me AND he liked my outfit...AND meeting me was on e of his favorite things!) ...the Santa house with candy on it!!!!!!
(they even bring in snow machines...and shoot fake snow from the building tops while you walk around in 60 degree weather...ha ha ha...i love it!)

I got to see the water show...drink a hot peppermint chocolate from Coffee Bean, and a crazy lady tried to tell me she saw good things and asked if she could read my palm....I said no thanks and i didn't have any money...then she got kinda upset and didn's say anything else...go figure!

and what better way to finish off the night than walking by an a field of lights...

these are outside the LACMA (LA county museum of art.....)...ever since I first drove by this, I wanted to go back at night......the light is so beautiful and bright, when you're in the center of it...there aren't even any shadows...oh what a light!!
click here to watch a little video....LA NIGHT VIDEO (WATCH IT HERE)
typed with love....and may you have sugary wonder, sprinkled on your day or night....
love from the sugary one....

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