I remember when I cut all my hair off...
I heard people say mean things about me...just based on what they thought about me..without even really knowing me...and sometimes it hurt my feelings...

 Feelings are WAY too fragile to let them run our happiness or sadness factor!

Feelings can be hurt if someone looks at us funny, something is said in a "not-nice" tone, someone is rude to us, someone shows us one of their fingers pointing up to the sky in traffic...
or maybe you live with someone who slings hurtful things at you, tears you down, or gives you more attitude than a character from a reality show...
maybe you work with someone mean...go to school and deal with bullies and mean people who not only say hurtful things, but make up things about you that aren't true...
maybe you can't help it that you have family members that are not the nicest! ha ha ha


You are not what you FEEL....
You are what you THINK and KNOW!

You are wonderful....unique, there is no one else like you in the whole world...
and you are loved beyond all that you can imagine!
(if no one else has told you enough to day.....please hear me say, "I LOVE YOU! And I believe in all that you want to be!")

We can NOT be ruled by our feelings! Feelings are too sensitive! ha ha ha
sometimes we wake up and might not feel like going to work or school...
BUT you can't just go with your feeling!

sometimes we feel like just eating ice cream instead of dinner...
but that feeling is not the best decision for our health!
ha ha ha

sometimes we don't feel like cleaning....
but if we don't we'll have a big mess on our hands!

we can't go around letting our feelings rule...
let other people rule our feelings by letting them effect us.

Sometimes I have felt like giving up on something that was seeming to be too hard...
but you know what...???

I said, "Nope! This feeling of hopelessness is not going to rule me...
I may FEEL hopeless...BUT I'm GONNA TAKE hold of my thoughts....and say, "No, we are hope filled!" I don't care how bad things look!

Don't let anyone tell you, you are anything less than AMAZING...nothing SHORT of INCREDIBLE,
and no one has SEEN the awesome things that you ARE GOING TO  DO in this LIFETIME!
I don't care hold old you are, where you live, what you look like, how you dress, or what anyone..a doctor, teacher, friend, enemy, family member, boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife or even a stranger has told you!

Our feelings would tell us:
"well since they did that to me....I'm gonna do this to them!"
that is not working or acting in love....
God would tell us...
"especially because they did that to you, you need to show them even more love"
and that is what not following our feelings can do!
You showed me hate....and I'll show you love!

(and start right now in this second to START thinking GREAT thoughts about yourself and your future!)

Feelings are like the wind..they change before you even figure out which way they are blowing...
instead...be the sun that you know is constantly shining, even if it's hidden behind the clouds...
it's still there shining brightly!

love and less feelings...more bright, sparkling thinking,
your friend, kandee

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