Why I'm not perfect:

I am so far from perfect...it's funny sometimes!

I've been married like 27 times...
I have a bus load of kids...
and I am no where near the life I had imagined for myself when I was young!
ha ha ha ha

Perfection isn't real...it pretty much doesn't exist, except in how we envision things to be in our mind.
My sister once told me that my imagination is so great...nothing will live up to how great I imagined it!
ha ha ha ha ha
and if you struggle with perfection...like I do...it can be soooo frustrating!
I always worry that I didn't make the perfect decision, buy the perfect "whatever" at the lowest price...
I have realized that the most beautiful things in life are the ones with imperfections...
the most wonderful people are the ones that are far from perfect...

God new that every imperfection and imperfect thing that happens to us...can be the very thing that makes us the most beautiful.
Just like a pearl...it's the little imperfection that gets turned into something beautiful.

I remember someone unkind, commented how none of my kids looked like alike (since I've been married 75 times...ha ha ha)...and one of my friends told me, "yeah, but how boring would it be if they all looked alike!"
My life maybe far from perfect...things that have happened in my life have looked far from perfect...but each one...has turned into the most perfect, imperfect thing.
From moving from LA when I had to come home and help my parents...
cried and thought my dreams were over....
and in turn, I was being put there so I wouldn't be working like crazy, doing make-up on long days for movies or tv shows....
but instead I had nothing else to do....but have time for the opportunity to start doing Youtube...and now I receive more rewarding comments of how I've been able to add some joy and inspiration to so many hearts....this is more rewarding than working with any celebrity!
I love being imperfect:
  • I love that I have a huge bump on my lower lip where my teeth went through my lip when I crashed on a little toy called a Roller Racer!
  • I love that my body isn't perfect..and I don't care if I have cellulite...and I'm still gonna wear a bathing suit out!
  • I love that my life has been more exciting because of how "imperfect" it's been...married a million times...pregnant a thousand more times (ha ha ha)...
  • I've never had the perfect life I thought...didn't marry the first guy I fell in love with, didn't have a little home where I'd it home and take care of the baby while my handsome, kind, funny, creative, and perfect husband would come home and tell me he loved me more than anything...and that we were going to dinner and fancy restaurant!
  • I love that I have kids with all different eye colors..and they each look different!
  • My leg is now very imperfect looking after my window accident- but you know what, now my leg is unforgettable! ha ha ha
  • I love that no matter what comes at me that isn't perfect...I know God is saying...you life is like a beautiful mosaic of all different colors...and no matter what you keep adding more beauty to it, through all these different little pieces of broken-ness... a one colored perfect piece would be very boring...
  • I could keep going but this will turn from a blog to a novel! ha ha ha
If you feel like your life, relationship, family, body, career...
is imperfect....
LET GO OF PERFECTION!!! AND embrace the beauty of imperfectness!

This bring my heart so much comfort when I'm feeling imperfect:
"The Lord will work out his plans for my life—
      for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.
      Don’t abandon me, for you made me." (it's from psalms 138:8)

We don't have to worry about our life not being how we want....it's work in progress...and each thing that goes "wrong"..could be the very piece that will guide us to where we're supposed to be!
incredibly imperfect...your kandee

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