When Bad Days Attack!

Have you ever had a bad day? Are you having one today?
Let me share with you some sparkles of joy to turn your bad day right round' baby, right round!

I was having a "not-so-great" day this morning...and I read these lyrics from Peter Pan's "You Can Fly" song, (click here:  to hear the "you can fly" song) which was prompted by my little babies telling me Peter Pan is their favorite ride at Disneyland...it's mine too!

As I read these lyrics I started to cry:

When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
Think of all the joy you'll find
When you leave the world behind
And bid your cares goodbye
You can fly
You can fly
You can fly 

As I sang the song, I thought...I want to bid my cares goodbye...
 yes this world is full of troubles..things that cause up pain, hurt, frustration and sadness...
But I want you to know...just like Diamonds are made from intense pressure and incredible heat...when we go through intense pressure and incredible "heat" from life...we too will come out stronger and more brilliant and sparkling!

Take control of your thoughts....think a happy thought, "any little happy thought" as the song says...and let that thought guide your day. We can either have "sinkin', stinkin' thinkin'....or we can have "lifted, gifted, happy thoughts" to lift our feet from the troubles of the world..and fly us far above to find joy in our hearts and to spread the twinkle of love and happiness from our hearts.

No matter what today tries to "stink" up your thoughts with...refuse to let the negative thoughts guide your day. SAY: NO WAY! NOT TODAY! I WILL OUT-HAPPY-THOUGHT EVERYTHING!

You can think your way positive. Laugh a little-watch or read something funny. Give yourself a little love, watch your favorite movie, treat yourself to your favorite smoothie or a frozen yogurt, buy yourself something that smells yummy- a good smelling hand lotion or watch the sunset or listen to your favorite songs and dance in your bedroom!

Even if you've spent the night or day crying...the sun is going to come up tomorrow with a fresh new day of hope and happiness!

Be a hunter of happiness- no matter where you go or what you do...hunt for the happiness!

I made this little video for you...to encourage your hearts...to lift you out of the depths of  a bad day...and to water that garden of happiness in your heart!

huge huge love....your kandee

OH, PS: I'm doing my first giveaway for a CELEBRITY bag on my other blog: www.kandeeland.com,
hope you guys like it and make today wonderful!!!

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