The Deep Dish on Chicago!

Waking up in Chicago after 5 hours of sleep, to have a busy day...setting up room for GLAMINAR, making gift bags, try to track all the packages for the gift bags and prizes (which I am still doing at midnight right now)...long day...but we took a quick break to eat and...
Chicago with me in it!
I spy: notice how it says: Macy's GLAMORAMA in the background! I love it!
Since everyone said we needed to eat real Chicago Deep Dish Pizza at Gino's East....and I had a hungry Jordan....we headed there to take our pic in front of the giant pizza slices and try to eat a smaller piece inside....I had no idea it would take over an hour to cook the pizza...countless conversation topics later, 2 trips to the bathroom after 2 glasses of water and root beer....
the long wait was worth it.....cheese on bottom, sauce on top...and deep dish crust heaven! NOTICE with your eyeballs, all the "graffiti" of people who've written their name or something, EVERYWHERE...the booth seat, ceiling, neon name it!

our hotel is near the Chicago Theater District I guess!
Me and Jordan outside the twinkly lighted, Cadillac Theater! And me with the SHREK poster!
We received an awesome gift....being able to go see SHREK, my first broadway-esque musical...
It was awesome! So stinkin funny....the costumes were amazing, the actors were BRILLIANT, I can't believe what an amazing job they did, the incredible and what they did how they made the dragon look like she was flying and dancing was so cool!
It was seriously laughing out loud! The show ended with a full house, standing ovation! Everyone walking out was huge smiles and laughing still! If you get a chance like we did, this was unforgettably fun!
Jordan and I ordered root beer floats when we got back to our hotel room! And I am now typing this...have spent the rest of the night trying to track a missing package, and at 12:37am I just got a call that they are delivering the missing package from Z Palettes to my room right now! YAY!
I can't wait for the Glaminar tomorrow! So excited!!!
deep dish love, kandee

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