where is my mind?

despite a sleep diet the equivalent....of sleep anorexia....I am surprised at my "somewhat" functional thought workings....
My mind and heart were both INSPIRED & IGNITED in the right direction....

"as a man thinks, so he is".... (think great & wonderful thoughts about yourself and your life)
"think upon things that are good and pure" (if you do you'll notice how you begin to feel better!)
"whether you think you CAN or you CAN'T...you're RIGHT!" (so decide that you CAN!!!!)

It will feel weird to change your "old" way of thinking...it will take continual "remindings"...to get your thoughts back on track...
just like the dialogue that goes on when you break up...you can either be:
"OMG! I will never find a guy/girl better than them!!! I will never be happy without them!!! They are the only one for me!!!!"
(insert crying...not wanting to get out of bed....no excitement for living......wanting to destroy whole pints of ice cream!)

OR saying: "There is a reason they are not in my life anymore! The more time I am away, I know I will feel stronger...And I will rejoice that I went through this time of "agony"....when I find the person that will never hurt me... or treat my heart they way I've been treated....I don't deserve that! I am strong....I was made wonderfully on my own...and I will rejoice in my freedom....and eat ice cream only if I really want to! ha ha ha ha

Your thoughts are like the seeds in your garden...whatever they are...they are going to grow into big plants...if you have seed-thoughts of negative, I'm never gonna make it, sarcasm....what kind of flowers are going to grow in the garden of your life, from those seeds?
Today..think about things that are good, positive, hopeful...and if it doesn't fit into those categories......give those thought an eviction notice..TO GET OUT!!!!!!!

You are too wonderful to think un-good thoughts!!!! You are one-of-kind-absolutely-fantastic! Let your thoughts agree with that too, okay?!?
You guys are awesome!!!! I love you to the moon and back...xoxo kandee

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