my built-in, best friend....my sasster (sister)...I would do anything for her...she is everything that I'm not....and she has been my constant companion since my parents brought her home from the hospital "for me"!!! We could be in the same room, not saying a word, and know exactly what each other is thinking! And I laugh harder with her, than anyone on the planet! I love you more than cake loves icing!!!

this is Jamesa, who is my amazing helper extraordinaire at my Glaminars! This was after the LA Glaminar, and she was my sisters bestie, growing up, so she is like a bonus "sister" to me too!

this is my friend Tamara, who swirled into my life many years ago...and she has been like sparkles and glitter in my life ever since...she is so precious to me...and she dislikes talking on the phone as much as me! ha ha ha She inspires me, and her encouraging words have helped heal my heart, like little miracles from heaven! I heart you Pudsie!!!!

this is my friend Teresa that I've known since high school, but we just reconnected months ago, and she is so sweet and encouraging! She truly loves me for me! And I love her for her! She has been through so much, including open-heart surgery....and still laughing and smiling, from her hospital room and beyond! I heart you rings love fingers, bella belle!

and my friend, Ian (who looks like a ladies man in this photo! ha ha)...he has been such a dear friend, answered phone calls at 1,2, or 3 in the morning, he is my best guy friend...like a brother, homey, and someone who's been there through a lot of my tough, tough times...and some of the really great ones too! His giving heart, has been a blessing in my life...and he's been a great support for me! I love ya man!
FRIENDS, Pals & Acquaintances
I have a lot of "people I know", but true friends that love you for you, that celebrate who you are, that don't want to change you, that love you no matter what....
those are rare and so special!
You want to surround yourself with people that are right for you! That don't want to change you, or make you into something you're not....they just want to love, support you, be there for you...and just love who you are!
Same thing goes for a "special someone" in your life...you want the right one. That makes you the best you...that makes you feel wonderful and adored. That celebrates you...and helps cheer you on to be the best you, you can be!
Sometimes we work hard to be friends with people who aren't right for us. People who don't have good intentions for us, or aren't people that will be right for us. God knows what we need in our life, and sometimes he will bring in the most amazing people to love you the right way!
If you don't have someone like that in your life right now, know that I believe in you, and I would celebrate all the wonderous things that make you who you are!
And you can always say a little prayer for God to guide a precious friend into your life!
huge love....from your friend that wouldn't change a thing about you! ~ kandee